About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.

27 October 2021

OHS as a fundamental principle and right at Work? Virtual conversations

As a follow up to the ILO 100th years Centennial Declaration on the Future of Work, the ILO has decided to proceed with the possibility to add ‘Safety and Health at work’ as fundamental principle and rights at work in the coming Labor Conference in June 2022. Find out more in our virtual conversation on “Safety and Health is a Fundamental Right at Work”, organized by INSP!R Asia (International Network for Social Protection Rights) and ACV-CSC International.

Over 50 participants from 6 countries (Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, India, Indonesia and Philippines), our colleagues from Belgium attended, as well as from relevant stakeholders and networks like the ILO and ITUC-AP. These conversations were based on the publication "Safety and Health is a fundamental Right at Work" by INSP!R Asia, which can be downloaded here.

DAY 1 (Monday 25 Oct.)

Opening session
  1. Bruno Deceukelier (INSP!R Asia): Welcome
  2. Bismo Sanyoto (INSP!R Asia): ToR Webinar , technical announcement (interpretation English to Bahasa Indonesia), how many participants registered, ask questions
  3. Bart Verstraeten, Director of WSM: Opening remarks
  4. Repon Chowdury (BSPAN/ OSHE Bangladesh): OSH context in Asia
  1. Session 1: Food for thought from Farmers and Fishers
    1. Do farmers have the most dangerous work?  Lourthu Samy (AREDS India):
    2. Troubled waters for young Fishermen - Errol Samarista Alonzo (YCW ASPAC):
    3. OSH in Food industry e.g Small-scale farmers and Fishers - Visal Tan (OXFAM Asia):
  1. Session 2: Values in Chains
    1. Palm Oil industry- Timboel Siregar, INSP!R Indonesia
    2. PRISMA Initiative and promoting HRDD in MNCs - Maria Emeninta, ACV-CSC International
  2. Session 3: Do garment working conditions suit you?
    1. Health Care Insurance Scheme for Bangladeshi garment  - Dr Kadir, GK Bangladesh
    2. Not for the faint hearted: Garment - Ath Thorn, CLC Cambodia
    3. New Accord on Fire and Safety in Bangladesh, Sara Ceustermans, Clean Clothes Campaign Flanders

DAY 2 (Tue. 26th of Oct.)
1. Bruno Deceukelier (INSP!R Asia): Welcome
2. Maria Emeninta (ACV-CSC International): About the Webinar Session 2
3. Shoya Yoshida (General Secretary ITUC AP): Opening Remarks
  1. Session 4: Building workers power globally
    1. Migrant Workers - Smritee Lama Tamang, GEFONT Nepal
    2. Global OSH Brigades - Najrina Jalil, BWI AP Programme Officer
  2. Session 5: Caring for the caregivers
    1. Health Workers in COVID times- Robert Mendoza, AHW Philippines
    2. Domestic Workers - Sr. Valarmathi Muthu, NDWM India
    3. Who cares about the caregivers, Care Work - Fish Ip (International Domestic Workers Federation)
  3. Session 6: The road ahead
    1. When the road kills, public transport workers - Ajay Kumar Rai, NTUC Nepal
    2. Digital Platform workers - Rekson Silaban, KSBSI Indonesia
    3. Key measures to promote safety and health for workers in the informal economy, Kawakami, Tsuyoshi, Senior OSH Specialist in Delhi
    4. Promoting safety and health as Fundamental Right at Work - Stijn Sintubin, ACV-CSC International