About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.
Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022. Show all posts

31 December 2022

What INSP!Ring happened in Nepal in 2022?

Two major regulations were passed or published by the Nepali government regarding social protection for which CSOs and  trade unions had been advocated since several years:

1. the working procedures and guidelines for the Social Security Fund, that allow to enroll informal, self-employed as well as labour migrants. Pilot project under the SSF targets 4 sectors: transport, construction, home based, agricultural. These would be funded by contributions for the informal workers by contributing 11% of the salary from workers and 9,37% from the government. From April 2023, the guidelines also will include migrant workers. Trade union advocacy was very instrumental in achieving this result. They had consistently called for the inclusion of all workers under the Social Security Fund (SSF) since it launched in 2017.  On Nepal Social Security Day (27 November 2022), Nepali trade unions announced their goal of enrolling 2 million people over the next four years. 

2. the Integrated Social Protection Framework was formalized by the Nepal Planning Commission but is yet to be endorsed by the Cabinet. 

Some results of INSP!R NEPAL...

National level: The work of INSP!R Nepal and the other efforts by UNICEF and ILO Nepal contributed to a total of 386.695 workers registered end of 2022 with the Social Security Fund (SSF) and 17.581 employers. Compared to the 2019 baseline of the project with only 147.643 employees, this is a 160% increase and with 12.157 employers, an increase by 45%. Over 185 million € in contributions had been collected. 

Learning: In 2022, 76 CSOs and trade union leaders were trained to promote social protection, including through steering committee meetings. Over 81 policy makers were met and over 4.182 CSOs and trade union members showed their public support for 15 policy documents and position papers, as well as one research for better social protection and public finance management. Through traditional and social media over 725.000 citizens were made more aware of social protection schemes with a right-based approach. 

In October, a cross-country learning exchange was organized between Cambodia, where Oxfam facilitates a similar network of SP4ALL, and ten members from INSP!R Nepal on how to build inclusive national networks advocating for social protection floors and Public Finance Management.

Children left behind by the parents... and the system? Nepal, 2022

There is little as heart-breaking as an abandoned new-born baby. Maybe it was a teenage pregnancy, or a baby born out of wedlock, the reasons behind it might remain a mystery, but it happens, also in Nepal. In the hills of Helambu, to the north east of Kathmandu, where the snowy mountains can already be felt breathing down, these babies are kept for six months in a safe shelter run by a partner of WSM, MANK, giving the change to parents to come forward. Besides a multitude of other problems however, civil servants often don’t know how to deal with the administration of such children. What do we put as name for the child, even temporarily, or exact date of birth, or as guardians? While it is thankfully rare, it also means that these children, who need to be entered into a system, are often not processed correctly in the system, causing so many problems down the line that could have been avoided.

This was only one among many issues raised by civil servants in charge of making birth or death certificates in and around Helambu in February 2023. This workshop run by the municipality with Social protection Civil Society Network (SPCSN) and Mahila Atma Nirbharta Kendra (MANK) is just one of the activities part of the EU-supported project to improve Social Protection Floors and Public Finance Management in Nepal, where WSM facilitates the involvement of civil society, ensuring more people get better coverage.

Two people from the Department of National ID, and Civil Registration (DONIDCR) from Kathmandu explained how to do online data entry and deal for instance with migrating parents, or how to correctly encode people with disabilities. While this should be part of what the Nepali government does, without some support from civil society, this would not happen and more people would be excluded from a pension they are entitled to, or a scheme that should help them cope with shocks, just because of administrative hurdles or formalities.

Reason for choosing this testimony: the issue of non take up. A big part of promoting social protection is not just lobbying for schemes or more budget for social protection, but also to ensure that people who should be receiving the existing schemes are actually getting them. In many cases, ignorance of schemes but also bureaucratic hurdles and discrimination prevent people from receiving often crucial support they are entitled to. Hence, social protection facilitators that know the schemes in place and the procedures to obtain them can assist these often very precarious populations.

First and last name : Man Bahadur Mijar
Nationality: Nepali
Location: Sindhupalchowk
Family situation: family with one daughter 

Initial problem: Due to a child marriage, when their daughter was born, these parents could not receive the child nutrition allowance that should have been provided to them as Dalits.
Accompaniment of partner SPCSN: The social protection facilitator discovered this during house visit and managed to successfully register the birth of the girl child by bringing it to the ward and obtaining the mother's birth registration.
Change achieved: The child is now receiving a monthly child nutrition allowance of NPR 532 through the social assistance program. Many such cases were referred to the ward by the facilitator.

Some results by intervention strategy...
Labour rights: In total over 160.000 people, of which 31% women and 27% under 35 years, were involved in services by the Nepali partners to promote labour standards.
GEFONT ensured over 50.000 workers (35% women and 60% younger than 35 years) became more aware of their rights though campaigns and public outreach. Empowering young workers, GEFONT also organised 14 one day trainings to 300 new members in all 7 Nepali provinces, reaching 469 workers (157 female and 397 under 35 years).
Social Security: nearly 5.800 workers (42% women and 93% under 35 years) were reached by the services of the trade unions to ensure coverage of workers in the contributory Social Security Fund.
Vocational training: 60 people received vocational skill training on tailoring and embroidery, and self-employment from NTUC.

Indonesian garment workers negotiate - Indonesia, 2022

Name: AlfidaArsini
Age:  27 years old
Nationality: Indonesian
Location: PT Chang Shin Indonesia, Karawang, West Jawa
Profession: garment worker

At PT. Chang Shin Indonesia, which is a Korean company producing sport shoes and sandals, Alfida is a member of the local GARTEKS company union. Most of the workers in the factory have no clue what are the benefits of becoming a union member. They have no knowledge about what a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is, let alone how it is negotiated. They have little understanding about their labour rights that are being violated, and about gender equality at the shopfloor. 

The local branch of GARTEKS provides basic training to the workers in the factory who become member of GARTEKS and explain them about their basic labour rights, about how to negotiate with the management and about CBA’s. The workers also receive training on gender equality. Once they have had the training the workers are able to understand better their own situation in the factory and what are the minimum labour standards that should be respected. Many workers, through the training, are also capable of solving their problems without any assistance from the local branch or from the National Board of GARTEKS.

Some results by intervention strategy...

Labour rights

More than 60.000 workers, of which 47% women and 32% younger than 35 years old, benefitted from activities pursuing more awareness, a better understanding and knowledge of the regulation on the wage structure and scale, on the Job Creation Law and its impact on workers, on how to negotiate CBA’s and MoU’s, on how to prevent and deal with gender-based violence at the shop floor. In several companies CBA proposals were drafted or agreements were concluded and signed. The minimum wage increase announced for 2023 is 7%, which is more than the inflation rate in 2022 (5,51%) or economic growth (5,77%).

Social security

53.597 people, of which 40% women and 30% younger than 35 years, were reached through actions focussing on access to better social security.

What is cooking with the domestic workers - India, 2022

Last name and first name: Pranali Rane
Age : 45 years old
Nationality: Indian
Location: Mumbai
Profession: domestic worker
Marital status: widow

"I joined NDWM in 2013 when I migrated to Mumbai after my husband’s death. The organisation supported me to get my rented house and enrolled my child in school. They helped me to get new domestic work to sustain my life. 

During the pandemic in 2020, I lost all of my domestic work, and it was very challenging for my survival. The NDWM supported us by providing grains and other necessary materials.  But I wanted to start some alternative income generating activity as they had taught us to become independent and stand on our feet. We got many trainings on accounting, budgeting, marketing, food making,… from the cooperative of the NDWM.  After the trainings, with the support of the NDWM, we initiated Abhiruchi Food and Products, a small-scale shop with other domestic workers, and started our new journey towards economical sustainability. 
Today, I am in charge of the kitchen of Abhiruchi Food and Products. Every morning I open my kitchen at 6 AM and I work with my friends until 10 AM. We equally support each other to complete our daily tasks and duties. Then we continue our daily domestic work as our main source of income. Today we feel more empowered because by this collective initiative. Still today NDWM gives us training on different skills, like personality development, communication, marketing, understanding product manufacturing and sale, food processing. Today I am leader of my community of domestic workers and the children’s group."

Some results by intervention strategy...
Labour rights: 
692.631 people, of which 62% women and 35% younger than 35 years, were reached through actions focussing on ensuring existing labour rights or developing new labour standards: 271.457 workers (59% women and 44% youth) were made more aware of their labour rights through campaigning and outreach. The partner organizations have organized 64.975 workers, of which 97% women and 30% youth. 31.792 people, of which 94% women and 34% youth received basic training, while 3.088 workers and union leaders (90% women and 43% youth) received advanced training. 52.211 workers, of which 95% women and 24% youth, benefitted from some kind of support or advice from the partner organization. More than 266.000 people (46% women and 39% youth) were mobilized at grassroots level (ex. demonstrations, petitions…) for advocacy actions, while the partner organizations reached out to some 2.869 people and policy makers during their actions towards parliament and the government.

Social security: 
146.895 people, of which 74% women and 28% younger than 35 years, were reached through actions focussing on giving access to better social security. 92.228 people were reached through awareness raising activities (60% women and 25% men), while 19.124 received basic training (97% women and 24% youth) and 146 people received advanced training (45% women and 16% youth). The partner organizations gave legal assistance and support to some 35.000 workers (99% women and 36% youth) and reached out to 188 policy makers.

Overall, almost 9.000 people were reached out to during actions to improve awareness on health practices and how to use native medical practices and medicines.

What INSP!Ring happened in Cambodia in 2022? Mainstreaming knowledge on social security

The development of the social protection system in Cambodia has progressed rapidly in the last decade, especially since the Royal Government of Cambodia approved and implemented the "National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025". This policy document is a long-term roadmap of the Government to lead the implementation of the social protection policy in Cambodia under the common vision of ensuring citizen's income security, reducing and preventing poverty, vulnerability and social inequality, as well as contributing to the wider development of human resources, including promoting sustainable national economic growth. To develop the social protection system and to ensure better harmonization of the different strategies, policies and other social protection activities, the Royal Government has established the “National Social Protection Council” (NSPC). The NSPC is the key actor responsible for the overall coordination and steering on the development of various social protection strategies and policies. 

The National Social Security Fund or NSSF consists of 3 schemes: Occupational Risks Scheme (2008), Health Care (2016), Pension (2022). The Law on Social Security Schemes, which dates from 2019, also foresees the development of an unemployment benefit scheme. Until 2021, 17.355 companies had registered in NSSF, with a total number of 4.335.501 members: 2.723.837 men and 1.633.583 women. 

Before 2017 WSM has also worked with the Cambodian Labour Confederation (CLC) and its main federation C.CAWDU, which is organizing the workers in the garment industries of Cambodia. While contacts with CLC have remained between 2017 and 2022, as they were also part of the continental network on the right to social protection in Asia, WSM has decided to return to Cambodia to put up a program with CLC to mainstream and increase the knowledge of union leaders and workers in factories on the national social security system. In the past, actions were quite focussed on further developing the NSSF, through advocacy by CLC to the Cambodian government. This time the goal is to ensure that within the organization of CLC knowledge and expertise on social security is more widely shared, also at the local levels of the organization, as well in the federations organizing the formal as the informal sectors. By the end of 2026 1.725 union leaders, members and workers should have an in-depth knowledge on the Cambodian social security system and have the ability to raise awareness and advocacy for better policies on social security. 

Aside from that, CLC keeps on pushing for increasing the coverage of the NSSF to an additional 300.000 workers (of which 60.000 in the informal sectors) and for improving the quality of the existing system, in particular the health care scheme and the occupational risks scheme. The union propagates that all Cambodian workers should be able to have health insurance and that it should similarly be available to their family members. At the same time the quality if the health facilities should improve and more diseases should be covered by the health insurance. CLC also advocates for the new pension scheme to apply to all Cambodian workers and for the creation of an unemployment benefits scheme.

Some results of SP4ALL, the Cambodian INSP!R network... 
National level:  CLC decided to join in 2023 SP4ALL (Social Protection for All), a platform to raise awareness on social protection and reduce citizen's concerns to the duty bearers, that was established by Oxfam and partners. The Oxfam – project, which runs to January 2024, has the objective to ensure a more inclusive, rights-based and shock-responsive social protection system. By promoting the active participation and consultation of Cambodian civil society organisations (CSOs), the project will contribute to building trust and cooperation between rights holders and duty bearers. The project intends to reach approximately 1.750.000 individuals, comprising of formal and informal economic workers (street vendors, market sellers, domestic workers, waste collectors, tuk-tuk driver, service workers, construction workers, farmers), people with disabilities, elderly people, women and children and ID poor households who are prone to risks and economic shocks.

Saving money because of social security - Cambodia, 2022


Name: Mrs. Gnil Kimy

Age :  38 years old

Nationality: Cambodian

Profession: garment worker

Before Mrs. Gnil was unaware regarding the social security system of Cambodia (National Social Security Fund or NSSF), which covers health insurance, work accidents and pension. So when Mrs. Gnil had a health problem, she would go to the hospital or to the doctor and spend a lot of money on medicines and health checks. But she attended a training from CLC where experts of the NSSF explained the social security law, the benefits workers can avail through the social security system. After the training she had a clear understanding of the NSSF and how to apply for its benefits. Mrs. Gnil got access to the NSSF and if she falls sick now, she can consult a doctor and obtain her medicines for free, so she can save money for her family. When she gave childbirth, she also received financial support from the NSSF for several months.

In the companies where there is a union, it is possible to get access to the NSSF and to save on health spending, because expenses due to sickness or a work accident are covered by the social security.

Some results by intervention strategy...
Social security: 
1.100 union leaders and workers, of which 30% women and 35% younger than 35 years, were reached through actions focusing on giving better access to social security, through awareness raising initiatives, basic and advanced training, legal assistance and support, research and advocacy to decision makers. For many workers it is not easy to join the trainings because during the day the workers need to focus on their work, as they don’t want their salary to be cut or to be dismissed.

CLC had a chance to lobby, advocacy and bring up workers’ problems with the quality of the NSSF services, as its president is sitting in the board of the NSSF.  Within CLC a committee was established in 2022 for Examining, Monitoring and Evaluating the Implementation of Social Security Scheme. One result of its actions is that from 1st October on the new pension scheme is being implemented and that in the agricultural sector an additional 500 members have registered in the NSSF.

What INSP!Ring happened in Bangladesh in 2022?

Regarding labour standards, the Government of Bangladesh continued to implement the road map on the Labour Sector in Bangladesh (2021–2026): tripartite discussions on amending the Labour Act, 2006 and the Export Processing Zones (EPZ) Labour Rules, an online trade union registration process at the Department of Labour, finalization and approval of the framework for the ready-made garment (RMG) Sustainability Council (RSC) which took over inspections from the Accord, formation of a committee to draft a national wage policy. 2023 should see a new minimum wage established for the garment workers, since the last increase was done in 2018 at a very disappointing 8.000 BDT. With the exponential double digit inflation, most trade unions are now demanding 23.000 BDT. Issues of occupational health and safety continued to plague Bangladesh: on 19 April, students of Dhaka College violently clashed with poor shop keepers of New Market area, setting shops on fire. On 4th of June 2022, a fire and subsequent explosions at a container depot in Chittagong killed at least 47 people and injured around 450 others.

Regarding social protection, the government of Bangladesh launched in June 2022 a long lobbied for social security scheme working on income protection and medical care for work-related injuries, the first ever Employment Injury Scheme for garment workers. It is overseen by a tripartite committee. Several brands pledged to contribute. In December 2022, the government also announced a long lobbied for first universal National Pension Scheme, which provides a pension to all citizens over 60 years who have contributed for at least 10 years. Here, however CSO representation is severely lacking in the design and implementation. 

Bangladesh is also set to graduate from the Least Developed Country status by 2026, meaning export rates for the EU will be affected.

Some results of BSPAN, the Bangladesh INSP!R network
National level: 190 members of BSPAN were mobilised for advocacy actions during national days and 57 BSPAN members interacted with policy makers to promote access to social protection  and to ratify ILO Convention 102 on minimum standards for social security. 
Learning: 1.000 members increased their awareness on social security, shared lessons and experiences. 22 BSPAN members received basic training on how to use social media and 23 BSPAN members advanced training on Social protection issues.

Sexual harassment recorded on cellphone of garment workers - Bangladesh, 2022

Md. Amzad, 24 years old from Shariatpur, joined Ratul Fabrics Ltd on February 2019 with a basic salary of BDT 6.100 or 50€. While working there, the workers decided to organize and form a labor union so they filled the required forms to register the union in October 2021. But while the request was being processed by the authorities, the factory authorities stopped the organizers from entering and fired them, including Amzad. Amzad submitted a grievance letter to the management which stayed without response. He then turned to NGWF which offered him legal assistance and eventually, Md. Amzad got BDT 51.794 compensation and was reinstated.
A garment worker (name not used to remain anonymous) at a factory called Shareem Group Textiles in Ashulia, near Dhaka. Though she is married, she was pressured into sex with one of the supervisors. He used his cellphone to record images and shared it with two other supervisors who threatened to share this on social media and with her husband if she didn’t also satisfy them. 
She sought NGWF support and with their help, filed a case against the supervisor at the local police station.
While initially, the police was not helpful and she was even fired from her job, eventually the continued pressure from the union organizer led the management to fire the first supervisor and reprimanding the two other. However, she still remains without a job…

Some results by intervention strategy...
Vocational training: 117 people, of which 80% women and  all under 35 years received vocational skill training through GK, on computer skills, women driving and to work as a paramedic.

Social economy: especially focusing on elderly, 80 seniors were supported through social economy initiative to ensure betterment of health, of which 51 were elderly women.

Labour rights: 182.844 people, of which 55% women and 80% younger than 35 years, were involved in the services by the partners to improve their working conditions. 
  • 176.757 workers increased their awareness on labour standards and especially the minimum wages for the garment sector
  • 4.589 workers per year were organised to increase membership
  • 185 union members received basic training on labour rights
  • 133 union leaders received advanced training on collective bargaining 
  • 850 garment sector union members received legal assistance
Health and social protection law
  • Almost 150.000 members, of which 2/3 are women increased their awareness about health and hygiene, family planning, health related messages, gender policy and rights.
  • 30.300 garment workers and vulnerable people, of which over half were women, were organised to join the health insurance of GK.
  • 40 women received basic training as a traditional birth attendee, and 60 members received training to work as a paramedic. 80 paramedics of which 60 are women, are trained to promote health insurance to the general public.
  • Nearly 25.000 people received medical advice through specialised health camps, preventive care programs and were supplied with medicines, of which 18.830 are women. 7.745 garment workers, of which 5.865 women, received medical advice aid and support through health camps and health screenings.
Social security
  • 170.000 workers, of which 94.000 are women and 134.300 under 35 years are informed about social security through media, poster and leaflets.
  • 56 workers, of which 35 women and 50 under 35 years, were part of two basic trainings on social security.