About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.
Showing posts with label Quake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quake. Show all posts

09 September 2015

Role of Trade Unions after Nepal earthquake

The 8.3 earthquake and the 400 aftershocks that shook Nepal since April 2015 have killed over 9.000 people, injured over 23.000, and destroyed or damaged over 750.000 homes. 60.895 trade union members and depends were affected. The sectors most affected were the labour intensive sectors, like real estate (4 % drop), tourism (2.6%), construction (2.3%) and manufacturing (2.2%). In agriculture, much of the livestock sector, which accounts for over 23% of value added was destroyed: loss of over 17,000 cattle and 40,000 domesticated animals. Many arable lands were lost due to landslides. Tourism has been adversely affected with nine out of every ten planned foreign arrivals cancelled. While many jobs have been lost, to reconstruct the houses, an annual requirement of 500.000 workers would be necessary. In order to have this labour force, vocational skill training and decent jobs are necessary. This is what trade unions should ensure during the reconstruction process.

\What did GEFONT and NTUC do?
Confronted with the damages and with solidarity from many corners of the earth, both Nepali trade unions provided relief in the days and weeks after the quake. NTUC leadership visited all 14 affected districts and their affiliates (Health, Teacher, finances, Transport etc.) supplied tents, food, clean water and medicine etc. An NTUC Relief Fund for rehabilitation was created and support provided to members. GEFONT mobilized more than 300 volunteers who helped build 181 transitional shelters and nine schools, distributed food packages for 10.000 families. 22 seriously injured members and 22 families of members who died in the quake were also provided with support.

Support from other WSM partners
GK team gathering donations and equipment
Also the WSM partners in Asia have expressed their solidarity and support. The Cambodian Labour Confederation (CLC), and C.CWADU, also WSM partners, gathered donations for GEFONT and NTUC. Another partner in Bangladesh, GK, which runs a Medical College and hospital, has several Nepali students, who, with the help from staff, gathered funds and equipment and drove a team of Nepali doctors and students to Kathmandu for medical support. Facilitated by NTUC, they organized two medical camps in and around Laliptur for construction, commercial and carpet workers. During their mission and various camps, 971 (398 male and 573 female) patients were treated. The trade unions jointly also dedicated the 1st of May celebration to the victims of the earthquake. With SARTUC, they handed over 1 million rupees (8.500EUR) to the Prime Minister Natural Disaster Relief Fund to support but also be involved in and hold the government accountable for the use of the funds.

How do trade unions see the reconstruction phase?
Reconstruction: By Creating Decent jobs, meeting 3-4 September 2015 in Kathmandu
During emergency situations, often decent work is not respected and people work for little money in unsafe conditions. To keep Nepali workers in the country, stimulate the Nepali economy and properly use all the international support given, trade unions are promoting decent work during the reconstruction. Beginning of September 2015, Nepali trade unions under the umbrella of ITUC-NAC, organized an international solidarity meeting with the theme “Reconstruction: By creating decent jobs”. Delegates from government, international trade union community and Nepali trade union movement participated in the meeting. They appealed the Government of Nepal (GoN) to prepare the strategies and campaign of reconstruction of Nepal post-earthquake with focus on Nepali workers. The roadmap has asked the GoN to revise the national employment policy to create at least 200.000 jobs as the reconstruction phase will require huge manpower. GoN should also guarantee Nepali workers 200 days of employment per year and raise minimum wages to 1.000Rps/day for unskilled workers to create decent jobs and stop migration of the Nepali workers. To promote this agenda, ITUC-NAC will ensure representation in decision making processes regarding reconstruction efforts. This roadmap was signed by all three leaders of the trade unions, the Minister of Labour and the representative of the employers’ union.

20 July 2015

At 26 anniversary, GEFONT hands out awards and support to earthquake victims

On the occasion of its 26th Founding Day, GEFONT handed over cash to the April 25 and beyond earthquake victims, who are members of GEFONT. 25.000 to 40.000NPR were handed over to those victims’ families who were killed by the devastating quake, whereas, the members who were seriously injured in the quake were given 15 to 20.000 rupees. The cash was handed over by GEFONT President Bishnu Rimal, totalling 1.175.000NPR! "I sincerely thank Global ILO staffs' union, and WSM for their generous solidarity" said president Rimal.

On the same occassion, GEFONT distributed two awards and scholarships. This year Yamkala Magrati from Sunsari district was awarded the Noor Wangchhu Award and Chanchalal Bot from Udayapur district was awarded Madhav Neupane Smriti Award.GEFONT President Bishnu Rimal presented Gangadevi Scholarship and Treatment Assistance to Nayan Pokharel of Hetauda and Surya Bahadur Sarki of Butwal. Likewise Mira Basnet, Tea estate worker and member of FAPWUN was given Gangadevi health treatment assistance. She had lost a limb in a bus accident while coming to Kathmandu.
More information can be found here.

25 June 2015

Trade Unions and SARTUC of Nepal meet with Finance Minister

In light of the recent tragedy witnessed by Nepal in the aftermath of the April 25 earthquake, the Government of Nepal is organizing a donor conference to be held on 25 June 2015, to report on post disaster needs.

The Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) recently completed under the aegis of the National Planning Commission and some of the major donors in Nepal, indicates that the earthquake has resulted in loss of income, including jobs and livelihoods, of millions of Nepalis.

To provide proper monitoring and oversight functions, SARTUC General Secretary Laxman Basnet led a delegation to submit a request proposal with Hon’ble Finance Minister Ram Sharan Mahat for representation of workers’ voice and interests at the upcoming international conference.

Mr. Bishnu Rimal, President GEFONT, Mr. Khila Nath Dahal, President NTUC, and other trade union leaders accompanied the delegation.  The Honorable Minister, in response, acknowledged the role of workers in nation re-building and has affirmed its representation at the upcoming donor’s conference. 

04 June 2015

Nepali trade unions support the Prime Minister fund after the earthquake

SARTUC handed over one million rupees to the Prime Minister Natural Disaster Relief Fund meant for the victims affected by devastating earthquake of April 25.

SARTUC General Secretary, Laxman Basnet, handed the check of 1,016,552.50 Nepali Rupees to the Honorable Prime Minister Sushil Koirala at latter’s official residence in Baluwatar. At the event, SARTUC affiliate Presidents of Nepal Chapter and other trade union leaders were present as well.

Mr. Basnet emphasized the role of the government’s mechanism to reach the needy and also highlighted the role that the workers would play in the re-building of nation. He also stated that the workers within and outside the country would be able to directly facilitate the reconstruction process if there was a mechanism, like social security, where workers’ funds would guarantee a steady flow of fund.

Prime Minister Koirala, in response, acknowledged and expressed gratitude for the contribution made by the workers, and he also made commitment to expedite process for ensuring social security of workers.

23 May 2015

Sympathy without action means nothing: GK mission after the 25th of April 2015 Nepal earthquake

The team from our partner in Bangladesh, GK, arrived the day after the second quake with medical supplies and tents. I got a call at 6am in the morning when they arrived. If I could come and pick them up at the Ring Road, since they couldn't drive into the city, because the bus was stacked so high, it couldn't get under the electrical wires. On my bike to meet with the 12 members of the team, off loading the stuff and finding pick ups to drop it at our house. They brought around 50 boxes of medical supplies, some tents and 2.000 liters of water.

14 May 2015

Some news from GEFONT's earthquake relief

GEFONT held a press conference today, regarding the relief efforts they have been providing in the aftermath of the 25 April earthquake. Under the banner of joint platform of Nepali trade union JTUCC (Joint Trade Union Coordination Centre) a memorial service was organised in the evening of May 1st.  Thousands of candles were lit to pay tribute to deceased people, speedy recovery of injured persons, and condolences to the bereaved family and solidarity to the entire victims. It was one of the first and special programme dedicated to general public after the shock.