About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.

07 June 2018

Win a signature of the Red Devils, the Belgian football team, and support clean clothes!

The World Cup 2018 is about to start. Do you ever want to make a prediction of the big winner? WSM is giving away five BETTING CALENDARS, signed by NOT by one, but by TWO 2 Red Devils. You can win this by simply signing the petition here and by liking the Cleane kleren FB Page.

In doping so, you will also help us in the fight for ethical production of clothes and you can win these coveted signatures.

On 12th of June, the winners will be announced.

AFWA: Executive Summary with Key Findings related to gender-based violence in H&M, GAP and Walmart

Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA) has published an Executive Summary that condenses the Key Findings and Risk Factors related to gender-based violence in garment global supply chains of H&M, GAP and Walmart, easier to quickly reference and share (here) which you can also find it at their webpage.

AFWA is proud of these research reports that have served to fuel, strengthen and support the tripartite dialogue at the ILO in favour of labour - as trade unions and governments have struggled for the last ten days with the obstructionist tactics of employers lobby dominated by multinationals at the ILC in Geneva. The findings from the reports have been startling and provided most current evidence.

On June 5th, the Guardian covered Asia Floor Wage Alliance’s research on gender-based violence in H&M and GAP supply chains. The newspaper reported that, “Gap and H&M both would investigate the allegations [of gender based violence in their supply chains] and that they welcomed initiatives to tackle violence, including an ILO convention.

05 June 2018

Social Protection for all - ANRSP position on Social Protection

The world of work is rapidly changing following demographic evolution, globalization of production, digital economy and automation, urbanization, workers mobility and increase of non-standard employment (precarious contracts, on call work, etc) . Young ‘millenialmillennial’ generations will comprise 50% of the workforce in 2020 with a new behavior and mindset to adapt the changing nature of work. More women are entering the workplace and more people are working from home. New types of job which never existed before will be created, such as green jobs. The role of the government in providing social services to the people has been reduced in many countries and it is being replaced by private actors who commercially provide all kinds of services ranging from health insurance to pension funds for those who can afford them. Poverty and migration have provided an army of people who are willing to work any type of jobs at any wage, which undermines the existing social protection, and weakens the workers’ bargaining position.

According to the ILO World Social Protection Report 2017-2019, only 45% of the global population (38,9% in the Asia–Pacific region) is covered by at least one social protection benefit. The right to health is not yet a reality in many countries, especially in rural areas. Large coverage gaps remain for child and family benefits, maternity and unemployment protection and disability allowances. Lack of social protection leaves people vulnerable to poverty, inequality and social exclusion across the life cycle. Coverage gaps are associated with significant underinvestment in social protection. In the Asia-Pacific region, government expenditure for social protection to GDP is only 4.6%, compared to Western Europe’s 18.1%. Asia is young but is expected to age considerably in the next 15 years. While poverty is declining across Asia, a majority of workers are still working in the informal economy, with long working hours, low income and without social protection. Extending social protection and its benefits, and improving workers’ job quality will be among Asia’s major challenges in the future.

A decent income for a decent life - ANRSP position on Minimum Living Wages

In a context of persisting dependency on the informal economy for large numbers of people, worsening loss of livelihood because of limited access to the resources (land grabbing, pollution…) and growing precariousness in the formal economy because of increasing non-standard forms of work (short term contracts, on call work, zero-hour contracts, platform etc.), one could be tempted to forget about the level of income or wages. After all, ‘any job is better than no job at all’. And yet, it is precisely in this context we have to guard and guarantee the right of every person to have the necessary resources and income to lead a life in dignity.

We are aware of the important links between the remuneration of ones work, social protection allowances, access to quality social services like health. Low income, bad housing or limited healthy food leads to illness and health expenses and the incapacity to work and to earn an income and vice-versa. In this position paper we will however focus on the revenue one earns for work. The right to a Minimum Living Wage has been recognized in several international conventions and declarations, like the Constitution of the ILO (1919), the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR 1948), and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESC 1966) and ILO convention 131 (1970).

As members of the ANRSP, we adhere to these international conventions and declarations and we consider a Minimum Living Wage to be a legally binding concept. It is a right that has to be respected whatever the situation, the form or statute of labor, without any discrimination. However, we have to acknowledge the international texts remain broad and are in need of specification. So far there is no globally accepted definition and methodology to calculate living wages. Enterprises often use this as justification for not paying a living wage and refer only to minimum wages set by national laws as legally binding concepts.

In reality, the current minimum wages are not sufficient to guarantee the needs for workers and their families and don’t allow to lead a life in dignity. They are also greatly insufficient to stop the current race to the bottom, fueled by global competition and businesses desire to maximize profits. The ILO constitution and the UDHR not only mention a ‘minimum living wage’, but also a just share of the fruits of progress to all and a ’just remuneration’. In addition to this, sustainable Development Goal 10 focuses entirely on the reduction of inequality. Apart from just taxation and redistributive social protection, a sufficiently high share of labor in the overall wealth is a key to achieving this objective.

02 June 2018

ILO #MeToo: WSM and partners explain why we need an ILO Convention on violence on the work floor

An international norm about (sexual) violence on and around the work? Everyone at the International Labor Conference in Geneva wants it. Governments, employers and employees: #Iwant! But why don't those negotiations go as smoothly as hoped for?

"Violence behind closed doors"
It is clear to everyone that we are negotiating a new international labor standard. Examples of violence and bullying in the workplace were suddenly discussed in living rooms worldwide last year. #metoo! has awakened the world. Previously unspoken and tolerated abuses have been highlighted in the media.

You also notice this at the Labor Conference. The hashtag is frequently used from the crowded benches of representatives from government, employers and employees. For the more than 200 women and the (unfortunately) few rare men who defend the interests of the employees here, the hashtag gives them a louder voice. And the perseverance to go for a powerful, binding instrument. The many women know very well why they are here. Tells Sr Christy Mary of the National Domestic Workers Movement in India, founded by Belgian sister Jeanne Devos. "In India, violence against women has increased in recent years. That is no different in the workplace, and certainly not for domestic workers who work behind closed doors, "Christy testifies. "Today, India has no law that protects women from violence in the workplace. A binding international standard would help us to put the government under pressure to comply with it."

Intimidation or a compliment?
Everyone had expected that it would be difficult. After all, the employers are not jumping for additional regulation. And certainly not if they would be held responsible for violence and intimidation that is not strictly on the work floor, but also in work-related activities outside. The relocation to and from work, company parties, or intimidation by customers and others. And then the debate about what violence and intimidation should encompass. The search for a definition - the first article of a possible new labor standard - has occupied the conference for the initial full four days (and late evening!).

Do we really want to punish everyone who gives a colleague a compliment about a nice dress, is what we hear from the employers' side. Do we really want to punish everyone who gives a colleague a compliment about a nice dress? Those who are without sin, cast the first stone ... #Ihave!

Whatever will be the result, it is important for the workers' group that it concerns physical as well as psychological and sexual forms of violence and intimidation, as well as violence or bullying of a sexist nature aimed at women, gays, transgenders or anyone else. Yet no one expected that it would be this difficult. After a week of negotiation - there is a draft text with 37 articles - we are still talking about the first three articles: the definitions of violence and intimidation in the working environment and the scope of a possible new labor standard. The employers' group plays it extremely smart. They leave no opportunity to emphasize how important they think this is, but don't hesitate to continue to raise issues so cloud the debate. Enough to ensure that all 187 authorities present are thoroughly reviewing their own national laws or practices and start rounds of debates and discussions until late in the evening. For the workers' group, there is nothing else to do but to dig in.

As it looks currently, it will inevitably turn out to a vote on one of those late nights. Do we want a binding regulation or just a more voluntary recommendation? For the trade unions and the many NGOs that are present here, including World Solidarity with its various partners, lobbying has been done to get as many governments as possible on our side. Belgium at least, represented by Labour Minister Kris Peeters, emphasized yesterday in the plenary session of the Conference that it is in favor of a binding instrument, and does everything it can to tackle gender-based violence in its own country.

Sr Christy – NDWM India: The ILO Convention is very important for us in India because in India, violence in the workplace is increasing. Also for the National Domestic Workers Movement it is very significant because domestic workers are vulnerable to abuse and harassment. Since they are working behind closed doors, the crimes against domestic workers are often not reported. After this Convention, since the government of India is in favour of a Convention, it will help us to lobby with the government to pass legislation.

Koumoura (CNTG, Guinée): There are many types of violence: sexual violence, physical violence, moral violence, psychological abuse and also commercial violence. We, as a union, what do we do? We are already confronted to several types of violence. Women come to us, to tell us that they suffer at the workplace, that they are harassed. What do we do? We try to provide them with support, we tell them that we must break the silence. As soon as you are harassed by your superior, because you have to recognize it, we have serious problems. Harassment is a serious form of violence that humiliates women. But this is a big taboo for woman in our countries. We cannot say what happens, if not the woman, she loses her honor, whereas it is not about that. We must break the silence to really fight violence. So we tell them: break the silence. That is why it is our joy that this convention is made, that it is drafted to punish the perpetrators of violence and harassment.

Garciela Lopez, World March for Women, Latin America: Women around the world need a legal instrument to combat gender-based violence and harassment. We need a binding convention that obliges states to work toward this. We need a legal instrument that obliges employers and employees alike to respect and obtain a life free from violence and gender-based harassment in the workplace. Work must be understood as meaning the formal and informal economy, as well as other forms of work, in the community and also in our homes. We are one-third of the working population that suffers daily from harassment and gender-based violence.

01 June 2018

Webinar Women, SSE and Social Protection from RIPESS

RIPESS, a member of the Latin American network on the right to social protection invites the Asian partners to their fifth webinar, focusing on Women & SSE on Tuesday June 12th at 13h UTC/GMT (15h Europe/18h30 Delhi/20h Bangkok).

This panel of experiences will explore to which extent SSE represents a means to provide social protection for women? We will explore the subject, identify successful practices, confirm structuring strategies that can  engage the movement, networks and SSE organizations, working together to improve the women’s lives. With activists and experts in the field, we'll lift the veil on this current reflection to move forward together: a guest from the Women Promotion Centre Gregoria Apaza from the network from Bolivia, Elise Pierrette Memong Meno from the network from Cameroun (RESCAM), and Santiago Fisher from World Solidarity from Belgium. The session will be animated by Ethel Coté (Women entrepreneurs network - Women of the world, Canada).

As a reminder, with these webinars, RIPESS is inviting participants to an annual virtual meeting cycle (2017/2018), in which we want to leave enough time to listen to experts' testimonials on different topics of interest identified by our group, and create an international space for exchanges. Please note that our meetings take place in the three RIPESS' languages (French, English, Spanish). See the summary of the last Webinar#4 (Governance&SSE).

Please subscribe at info@ripess.org or the Facebook page, and we will explain you how to join the webinar.

29 May 2018

ITUC says the Government of Bangladesh Is Failing Its Workers

Every year since the Rana Plaza disaster, workers have insisted that the ILO’s Committee on the Application of Standards hear and discuss how the government is failing its workers on the right to freedom of association.  And, every year, the ILO Committee of Experts and the Committee on the Application of Standards have issued clear, direct recommendations to the government in order to comply with the Convention. Unfortunately, the government has wasted every opportunity it has been given to improve the situation for workers. The Bangladesh Labour Act, the country’s primary labour law, and its regulations contain numerous obstacles to the exercise of this fundamental right. Workers in Export Processing Zones are prohibited from forming a union. The government still arbitrarily denies the registration of over half the unions that apply. And workers face dismissal or worse, including severe beatings, for attempting to form unions – while those responsible face no consequences whatsoever.  The ITUC’s 2018 review of the Committee of Experts’ report makes this abundantly clear.

Bangladesh will not appear on the short list of cases of the Committee on the Application of Standards this year – not because there is improvement but rather because there is none. It makes no sense to provide the government yet another opportunity to make the same old excuses and the same old empty promises. Further, the ILO supervisory system has repeated too many times what the government must do to protect the right to freedom of association.  Instead, we are putting the government of Bangladesh on notice. It has one final year to put its house in order. If it does not, the Workers’ Group will file for the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry at the 2019 International Labour Conference.

This also serves as a notice to global brands. If you are truly serious about your commitments to respect labour rights in global supply chains, the case of Bangladesh provides no better opportunity.  In the run-up to the centennial of the ILO next year, let’s see whether together we can make real progress. If not, then we know what to expect next year.

29 April 2018

Bangladesh: the OHS Initiative organises a refresher ToT training on OHS

One of the main objectives of the OHS Initiative for Workers and Community Project is to develop a pool of 75 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Trainers who will carry out a series of training by themselves to the rank and –file workers in different industrial sectors, with a target of reaching 6000 workers over a three year period. OHS Initiative recruited 29 Trainers from its five partners organization and provided in 2017 a 20 days long training on occupational health and safety, gender equality, leadership and workers rights, including basic ToT.

Over the last 6 months, the respective trainers (1st batch) of OHS Initiative project have been conducting their own training at the factory level and home based workers on safety issues.  Based on their field level training experiences and challenges, OHS Initiative designed and organized a 5 days long Refresher ToT course to re-energize the trainer’s knowledge, skills and confidence for the effective implementation of workers training at factory level. 

It was a refresher course aimed at mentoring the Trainers and increasing their knowledge on how they can best improve their training program in the workers community. The Refresher Training of Trainers course was five days with in total 26 participants. During the course, they viewed basic occupational health and safety, workplace risk assessment, ergonomics, safety committee and leadership. In addition, a new topic has been included in the course content on collective bargaining and conflict management as per participants demand.  Participants also developed a short module on basic OHS and practiced it. 

24 April 2018

Commemorating Rana Plaza 5 years after in Dhaka

It feels strange to be in Dhaka on the 24th of April. This day is Bangladeshi’s 9/11, a day of commemoration where all newspapers headlines refer to the Rana Plaza tragedy that happened five years ago and which claimed the lives of 1138 garment workers and left more than 2.400 injured. The front page headlines aggressively remind us that "promises made mostly not implemented". There are over twenty five events commemorating the human made catastrophe, like rallies, human chains and others, some gathering survivors and family members. The events are filled with frustration and anger and demands. 

Invited by WSM's partner, the garment trade union NGWF, I went to a lighting of candles by children orphaned by Rana Plaza. It was a sad affair, with around twenty kids, most under ten years old, who were babies or toddlers when Rana Plaza collapsed, stealing their mother or father away.

A woman still cries recounting what happened, others blink tears away. They share their stories in front of cameras and mikes, highlighting their misery and sadness. And there is a lot of suffering to be shown, there are a lot of cameras and mikes to record. Bangladesh is in no way over what happened, though it sometimes seems the rest of the world has mostly forgotten and needs to be reminded of one of the worst industrial tragedy. It alerted people buying a T-shirt in the West to the world of sweat and exploitation that had gone into bringing a cheap T-shirt to their closets.

How to compensate
People here, gathered by trade unions and civil society are still demanding for better compensation for the victims, because the compensation paid to 5.000 workers had to use as reference their age and salary. While the formula is sound, with a legal minimum wage of currently 53€, this doesn’t amount to much. If a worker dies in a work related accident, family still gets a measly 1.000€, which even after Rana Plaza hasn’t been increased. NGWF demands that the amount would be calculated according to ILO Convention 121, adding compensation for pain and suffering.

What improved and what hasn't
What has improved are the security standards, with inspections and renovations done in almost 4.000 of the 5.000 factories in Bangladesh. This is done by multi-stakeholder initiatives gathering brands, factory owners, civil society and presided over by the ILO. This is an important achievement which was recently reconfirmed, with the Bangladeshi Accord on Fire and Safety renewed, despite resistance from government and employers. Still, it is a slow process and daunting task to improve safety. Since Rana Plaza, almost 100 factory accidents have happened, injuring 450 people and killing 80. But what hasn’t improved are the working conditions and wages. Trade unions like WSMs partner NGWF are an increase from the current legal minimum wage of 53€ to a living wage of at least 160€ per month. Organizing garment workers remains problematic, with half of trade unions which are applying for registration rejected and hampering the freedom of association.
Unlike 9/11, the Bangladeshi government doesn’t like that attention still goes to this tragedy, to the lack of adequate compensation and the ongoing problems in the garment sector. There is no monument at the site of the collapse, demands that the 24th of April would become a national holiday to observe workers safety day were not followed. Authorities are reluctant that events during the commemoration are organized at the site, not even a medical camp WSM’s partner GK wanted to organize for the injured. They are wary of journalists, often imposing they agree to be accompanied. The government is worried negative press will deter brands from ordering from Bangladesh, while the garment sector is very important for the economy.

Beacons of hope
At the event I attended, the orphans on the front row looked a bit bewildered at the eye of the camera. Most had no idea of what was happening, and why they had to be put on display. Rana Plaza caused extreme suffering and many want to remind the world of it, rub our noses in it, not make us forget. The children lit candles, which are supposed to symbolise hope. Many of the candles were blown out by the wind and had to be relight.

Rana Plaza site on the 24th of April in the afternoon,
with only few people and the flowers of the morning ceremony at the monument.
 At the Rana Plaza site, people and organisations queued for hours in the morning to deposit flowers at the small monument with a hammer and sickle, made by some communist organisation, since the government hasn't put anything there.

Where the ruins used to be is now a field, where relatives wander, the only way to visit the grave of their loved ones, as several bodies were never recovered. By the afternoon, most have left, the site feels lost again. Just some people mingle about, watching the occasional journalist come to take footage. The only sign of the government is three police trucks full of watchful men. No declarations were made by the government, not even an attempt at defending their actions or show some progress was made.

A woman I recognize from a physiotherapy session at GK comes to sit at the monument,
still wearing orthopedic braces on her back and arm.
She is obviously trying to send a message, but I am not sure many are there to listen.

19 April 2018

Manila exchange GK-OKRA on elderly revisited

From 7 to 14 February 2018, GK and OKRA organized an exchange in Manila on the challenges of the elderly in Bangladesh and Belgium, which was facilitated by WSM. During this visit, through the assistance of COSE, both groups were also able to visit and exchange with elderly Philippinos, a very rewarding experience.

On the 11th of February, both organisations organized a successful mainstreaming workshop where GK and OKRA presented challenges of the elderly in Asia, Europe and the world, and where testimonies from elderly gathered by partners in different countries were read out. In a final panel discussion, the delegates of GK and OKRA not only presented their experiences in being a movement for, by and with the elderly but also the value added and the perspectives of their mutual partnership.

Yesterday, on 17th April, the results and conclusions of this exchange were presented to the daily board of OKRA in Brussels, who welcomed the outcome of the visit and confirmed their commitment to continue the partnership on the basis of the action plan that was drafted in Manila. A similar meeting will take place in the coming days in GK in Bangladesh. A video was also made of this visit which you can view here.

WSM would like to thank all those involved in making this exchange and partnership a success, in particular Dr. Kadir, coordinator of GK; Mieke Peeters, president of OKRA; Mark De Soete, General Director of OKRA; the daily boards of OKRA and GK, as well as the delegates of both organizations who were with us in Manila: Kamrun (Onu), Isahaque, Dulal, Maddie,  Bart, Ingrid, Niek, Jo. And with a special thanks to Jef Van Hecken for facilitating the preparations of the visit!

18 April 2018

A Chance to Influence Declaration on Primary Health Care for UHC

Forty years ago, world leaders came together in what is now Kazakhstan to endorse the Alma-Ata Declaration, which established primary health care for all as a global priority for the first time. In many ways, this visionary document was the seed of today’s universal health coverage movement, which continues to recognize strong primary health care systems as critical to reaching every person and community with comprehensive, people-centered health care.

We have also have learned a lot between then and now: that health systems will not move toward equity without deliberate social policies and investment; that they must protect people from financial hardship; that they must be designed around communities’ and countries’ unique health needs.
This is why on 25-26 October, at the Second International Conference on Primary Health Care, leaders are planning to reaffirm and refresh their commitment to strengthening primary health care as a key step toward UHC. This conference will also culminate in a Declaration—and in the spirit of collective action, the organizers have given us all an opportunity to shape it. 
Please share your input on the draft Declaration here by midnight CEST on 23 April 2018.
We also hope you will share this opportunity with your social media networks:
  • [SHARE] It’s been 40 years since the Declaration of Alma-Ata. Now it’s your turn to share how we can strengthen #PrimaryHealthCare to achieve #HealthForAll. Add your comments to this year’s declaration here: bit.ly/2HkJEx5
  • [SHARE] Have ideas on how stronger #PrimaryHealthCare can lead to #HealthForAll? Share your thoughts as the world gears up to mark the 40thanniversary of the Declaration of Alma-Ata: bit.ly/2HkJEx5
  • [SHARE] This year marks 40 years since the Declaration of Alma-Ata. What should this year’s declaration say? Share your thoughts on how you would strengthen #PrimaryHealthCare to achieve #HealthForAll: bit.ly/2HkJEx5

Let’s continue to raise our voices until health systems everywhere truly put people first and leave no one behind.

16 April 2018

ITUC Launches Migrant Worker “Recruitment Adviser” Platform

ITUC Launches Migrant Worker “Recruitment Adviser” Platform

Since many of the members of the Asian Network on the Right to Social Protection, are actively involved in the support for labor migrants' rights, I thought it could be interesting to share this message from ITUC on the launch of the 'Recruitment Adviser'.

Brussels, 4 April 2018 (ITUC OnLine): The ITUC has launched a new web platform to help protect migrant workers from abusive employment practices, by providing them with peer-to-peer reviews about recruitment agencies in their country of origin and destination.
The Recruitment Advisor, developed by the ITUC with support from the ILO Fair Recruitment initiative”, lists thousands of agencies in Nepal, Philippines, Indonesia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and other countries.

The platform allows workers to comment on their experiences, rate the recruitment agencies and learn about their rights. Initially available in English, Indonesian, Nepali and Tagalog, it will be further developed in more languages.

Governments provided the list of licensed agencies and a network of trade unions and civil society organizations in all target countries, ensures the sustainability of the platform by reaching out to workers and speaking to them about their rights.

Public and private recruitment agencies, when appropriately regulated, play an important role in the efficient and equitable functioning of both the migration process and labour markets in countries of destination, by matching the right workers with specific labour needs and labour markets, as well as creating invaluable skills assets for countries and communities of origin when workers return home.

Ultimately Recruitment Advisor will promote recruiters who follow a fair recruitment process based on ILO General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment and will provide useful feedback to Governments regarding the practices of licensed recruitment agencies, which could be used to complement more traditional monitoring systems.

Recruitment is a critical stage when migrant workers are more vulnerable to abuse. “Unscrupulous recruitment agencies take advantage of the lack of law enforcement by governments or because workers are simply not aware of their rights”, says ITUC General Secretary, Sharan Burrow. “It’s time to put power back into workers’ hands to rate the recruitment agencies and show whether their promises of jobs and wages are delivered.”

“This platform can help migrant workers make critical choices at the time of planning their journey to work in a foreign country. We know that when a worker is recruited fairly the risk of ending in forced labour is drastically reduced,” says ILO technical specialist Alix Nasri. “We strongly encourage workers to share their experiences so others can learn from them. A critical mass of review is needed for the platform to be really helpful for migrants.”

“An organized workforce cannot be enslaved, but when there is a governance failure and no law enforcement, then slavery can flourish. Together we will stop unscrupulous recruitment practices, we will eliminate slavery in the supply chains and we will end modern slavery”, said Burrow.

The ITUC represents 207 million members of 331 affiliates in 163 countries and territories.

For more information, please contact the ITUC Press Department on +32 2 224 03 52 or mail to: press@ituc-csi.org

Brussels Secretary of State visits movement for domestic workers in India

Last Monday, April 16, the National Movement for Domestic Workers (NDWM) in India, a partner organization of World Solidarity, received the visit from Brussels Secretary of State Bianca Debaets. The state secretary was in Chennai, capital of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, as it has become one of the priority countries for Brussels development cooperation.

After the visit of King Filip and Queen Mathilde in November 2017, it is the second time in just half a year that the National Domestic Workers Movement (NDWM) receives such esteemed visit from Belgium. NDWM was founded in 1985 by the Belgian sister Jeanne Devos and has, for many years now with the support of World Solidarity, committed itself to improving the fate of the millions of domestic servants in India. It is a group of mainly women and children from the more marginalized communities of Indian society who work as domestic workers. The majority of them are Dalits or untouchables, mostly illiterate or with a low level of education, and work long days for very low wages in poor working conditions. Because domestic work still takes place in the informal economy, many are exposed to various forms of exploitation and discrimination, even sexual intimidation.

State Secretary Debaets was shown around the families of domestic servants living in the  Perumbakkam district. In recent months, some 14,000 families were forcibly moved here from the slums in the center of the city. Because of the move, the housekeepers have to cover a much greater distance to work and pay higher transport costs, while the children are left alone at home in the evening. Under the expert guidance of Sister Valar, NDWM in Chennai makes householders and their children aware of their rights towards their employers, their right to a decent wage and social protection. Sister Valar says: "By pointing out their rights, we want to make them more assertive and resilient, so that they are less vulnerable to abuses in the households where they will work. We also provide training to teach their technical skills as a domestic servant. In addition, we would like to offer an alternative income to the single mothers by giving them the opportunity to start up a small shop in the neighborhood". The Secretary of State, impressed by the solidarity between the home workers, emphasized the importance of good education for the children and the need for a more respectful attitude towards women, who are often victims of domestic violence in Chennai.

12 April 2018

Launched today: Social protection Toolbox

The social protection team at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has launched the new Social Protection Toolbox @ www.socialprotection-toolbox.org It is packed full of content to support policy makers and other stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific to build inclusive social protection schemes, with:
  • More than 100 good practices from around the world that show what others are doing to build inclusive legal frameworks, schemes for those in poverty, for persons with disabilities and universal schemes for all.
  • E-learning guides that have been developed together with Development Pathways and show how investing in inclusive social protection can accelerate progress towards the SDGs, why universal schemes are better at reaching the poor than targeted schemes, and what policy options to consider when designing inclusive schemes. 
  • An interactive assessment tool that will help you identify coverage gaps in your country and find out how to close them based on the steps other countries are taking to fill similar gaps.
  • An animation that illustrates what social protection is and why it is important for Asia and the Pacific in about 2 minutes.
  • A quiz that tests your knowledge and reveals thought-provoking facts about social protection in Asia and the Pacific.
  • Our latest publications, covering a variety of topics related to social protection, poverty and inequality.

And there’s more to come! Over the coming months, the social protection team at ESCAP will be adding new e-learning guides on how to administrate and finance social protection, how to advance social protection for persons with disabilities and a series of new publications that will explore inequality through a multidimensional lens. Hopefully this will help to move toward universal social protection that leaves no one behind in Asia and the Pacific.