About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.

24 September 2020

India: protest by domestic workers

Nationwide protest held by NDWM, NDWF and CFTUI under the National Platform Domestic Workers  to demand National Legislation for Domestic Workers, Cash transfer to the domestic workers affected by Covid crisis and to implement the Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme. 

Memoranda were submitted to the MPs, Labour Ministers in different States, Labour Commissioners and District Collectors. These are images from States of Maharashtra, Bihar, Tamil nadu, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Orissa, Jharkand, Karnataka, Delhi, UP, Kerala, MP and Goa.

The nationwide protests received a lot of media coverage. In a press conference organized in Assisi Auditorium in Dimapur, the NDWM-Nagaland Region laid down four demands for the government. It demanded the recognition of domestic workers as workers, while seeking protection for them against all types of harassment. It also called for social security and access to benefits for the domestic workers and asked the State Government to include domestic workers in the schedule of employment and thus ensuring minimum wages entitlement. “Domestic Workers are essential workers, they are not carriers of diseases, do not discriminate them,” was the NDWM-Nagaland Region’s stand as they joined the nationwide campaign organized by the National domestic workers platform with its 34 unions.



17 September 2020

EU Parliament adopts joint resolution on Philippines

The European Parliament adopted a joint resolution on the situation in the Philippines, including the case of Maria Ressa. Please find the text here. The resolution is a negotiated compromise between all 6 democratic political groups in the European Parliament. 

It highlights among others:

  • the space for civil society is shrinking to an increasing extent the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Report of 2020, the Philippines is included in the top 10 most dangerous countries in the world for workers;whereas the Philippine trade union movement has complained about the repression of workers’ rights, including through ‘red-tagging’, disappearances and killings of labour leaders and trade unionists;
  • Condemns all threats, harassment, intimidation, rape and violence against those who seek to expose allegations of extrajudicial killings and other human rights violations inthe country, including human rights and environmental activists, trade unionists and journalists; 
  • denounces the misuse of the law and judiciary systems as a means of silencing critical voices; 

It calls on the following:

  • on the EU delegation and Member States’representations in the country to strengthen their support for civil society in their engagement with Philippine authorities, and to use all available instruments to increase their support for human rights and environmental defenders’ work, 
  • Given the seriousness of the human rights violations in the country, calls on the European Commission, in the absence of any substantial improvement and willingness to cooperate on the part of the Philippine authorities, to immediately initiate the procedure which could lead to the temporary withdrawal of GSP+ preferences;
  • Calls on the Philippine authorities to support the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), and to ensure effective human rights due diligence processes for investment, development and business projects,especially with regard to large scale agribusiness acquisitions, extractive industries,infrastructure projects and cooperation involving the security sector; calls on companies based in or operating within the EU to strictly comply with the UNGPs and both international and national human rights law, as well as to conduct a meticulous and comprehensive due diligence process in relation to all their business operations and relationships within the country.

15 September 2020

Looking back to look ahead: A rights-based approach to social protection in the post-COVID-19 economic recovery

The UN special rapporteur for Human rights recently issued a report on how the many measures governments have taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are in line with a human rights based approach. From the two page summary:

"In this report, submitted in response to resolution 44/13 of the Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur argues that the world was ill-equipped to deal with the socioeconomic impacts of this pandemic because it never recovered from the austerity measures imposed in the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008-2011. The legacy of austerity measures is severely underfunded public healthcare systems, undervalued and precarious care work, sustained declines in global labour income shares, and high inequality rates coupled with average decreases in statutory corporate tax rates." ... 

"With public services in dire straits, one-off cash transfers are a drop in the bucket for people living in poverty, whether in developed, developing, or least developed countries. Maladapted, short-term, reactive, and inattentive to the realities of people in poverty, the new wave of social protection hype must hold up to human rights scrutiny. This report identifies eight challenges that must be addressed in order to bring social protection in line with human rights standards."

You can read the full report here.

13 August 2020

Youth for Social Transformation: Nepal sees Successful Intensive Discussion for International Youth Day 2020

In Nepal, on International Youth Day, an intensive discussion program on Youth for Social Transformation was held via Zoom. The Minister of Youth and Sports, Honorable Jagat Bishwokarma, was the chief guest for the program with Mr. Madhab Dhungel, Vice-president (National Youth Council Nepal) as special Guest. Mr. Tilottam Paudel, President of Jagriti Child and Youth Concern Nepal and the Coordinator for National Coalition for Girls Rights (NCGR) facilitated the program between 70 participants, including dignitaries from 30 Civil Society Organizations, three iNGOs, five government representatives, 12 civil society networks, representatives from National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and Youths. The program was organized by Jagriti Child and Youth Concern Nepal (Jcycn), SDGs Studio and DHR Nepal in collaboration with the National Youth Council and NCGR. It was supported by KANALLAN Switzerland with Devchuli Television as Media Partner. 

The session started with a welcome speech by Ms. Irada Parajuli, executive Committee Member of NCGR. She was followed by Ms. Aastha Anirjit Bastakoti, a girl activist and a peer educator in Jcycn’s Girls Empowerment Program, who shared her experiences with tackling the social problems in her community, and municipality through organization and collaboration. She shared the support she gained, the challenges she faced and gave an inspiring speech to motivate fellow youth to raise their voices and work for social transformation by starting from ourselves, and to put words into practice. 

 Honorable Jagat Bishwakarma, Ministry of Youth and Sports shared the contextual need for programs like these and extended his gratitude and wishes to all Nepalese youth, in and out of Nepal. Focused on the theme of International Youth Day 2020 “Youth Engagement for Global Transformation”, he highlighted the need to create spaces for youth to be engaged and the need to forward a campaign where we can move ahead, together with youth to transform our society, while fighting practices harmful to us, especially child marriage, violence against children and girls, and discrimination, for a better future.

Mr. Sushil B.K.; writer, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Expert and activist, gave a presentation regarding the role youth can take play in eliminating harmful social and cultural practices like Gender Based Violence, Caste best Discrimination, Chhaupadi, Dowry System, and Child Marriage, with the comparative portrayal of the society’s reality and what we need to achieve. Milan Dharel, Executive Director of National Child Rights Council highlighted the need of a critical perspective in youth to move ahead, the need to build trust, and more importantly, be our own role models so that our words are reflected in our actions. This was followed by a speech from Mr. Pushkar Khati, Member Secretary from the Social Welfare Council Nepal, who focused on the need for accountability in youth, self-reflection, and the need to spread that spirit among all the youth in the nation.

In the open floor session,  participants discussed about various ways socio-cultural transformation through youth is possible, including government and stakeholder joint action programs, regularity of collaboration, personal accountability, inclusion of youth with disability, and gender minority, and an organized movement. Dignitaries and participants discussed the government policies targeted at youth, how it has progressed throughout the years but also the gaps in implementation, and especially equitable implementation disaster, the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the economy and youth. Dipendra Sharma from Care Nepal shared his field based experience and the issues that are prevalent in the society, which are especially discriminatory towards girls. The province 5’s head of province of NHRC Ms. Samjhana Sharma also talked about the role the human rights commission has played, and what kind of practices to progress are seen. Activists Bhakta Bishwakarma, Rabin Nepali, Karun Nepali from Raleigh International, and Journalist K.B Rana also shared their views in the discussion forum. 

After the open floor session, Mr. Madhav Dhungel, Vice President of National Youth Council Nepal discussed various programs brought forth by the National Youth Council (NYC) for the engagement of youths, entrepreneurship, capacity building and employment of youth and the role it plays in development of the nation. He also went into how NYC has been mobilizing youth in collaboration with other stakeholders with a goal to generate a progressive society, and working as  a bridge between youth and opportunities. He elaborated on how this can result in a transformative society with active, and engaged youth that are more aware.

 Ms. Manmaya Bhattarai Pangeni, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Women Children and Senior Citizens elaborated that 2020 is the year of Generation Equality and how the meaningful participation of youth is important and we need to be creating spaces for them. It is equally important to groom children from an early age and provide them with moral education so that we generate strong youth who are socially responsible. She gave examples of good international practices that have developed a culture of progressive youth. The program ended with a vote of thanks from Mr. Pradeep Lamichhane, Chairperson of SDGs Studio. 

In celebration of the International Youth Day 2020 with the slogan, “Youth Engagement for Global Action”, the main ceremony was celebrated with various virtual programs, on 12th August with Prime Minister KP Oli as the chief guest, and in the virtual presence of international guests from Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, China and India. The program was led by National Youth Council, in joint collaboration with various other Civil Society Organizations like Jcycn, UNOY, NCGR, SPCSN, AYON, Nepal Scouts, and 100 others. Welcome for the program was done by the Ms. Bipana Sharma, on behalf of AYON, Jcycn, NCFLG Forum and the entire youth. Prime Minister KP Oli focused on youth being the pillar of the nation and how investing in youth is investing in the future. He mentioned that the government of Nepal has allocated 7.6 billion Nepalese Rupees from different ministries and departments in youth sector, and that the priority of the government is to empower youth with knowledge, skills and tools. International Speakers and guests like Honorable State minister H.E. Md. Zahid Ahsan Russel, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Country representative Ms Valerie Julliand, Resident Co-ordinator of United Nations in Nepal, Secretary, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Mr. Md. Akhter Hossain, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Chairman, National Youth Services, Sri Lanka Theshara Jayasinghe Training Director, National Youth Service Council, Mr. Rasitha Delapola, Sri-lanka, and Deputy Director, International Youth Exchange Centre, Mr. Zhang Hua, China also shared their words highlighting the need to mobilize and engage youth for a better tomorrow. 

International Youth Day 2020, like every year, was successfully celebrated with programs all over the nation.

16 July 2020

NEW NORMAL, NEW SOCIAL CONTRACT - ANRSP calls for urgent responses to COVID-19 pandemic in the world of work

 The COVID-19 pandemic has passed 13 million, killing over 570.000 people worldwide. Every day, the number of new cases set another daily record. Many health experts say the actual number of cases around the world may be much more than the reported numbers. Vaccines can take at least a year to develop before they are proved to be safe and effective. The pandemic is taking a huge toll on health, economy and social life around the world.

Epidemiological characteristic of COVID-19 showed that virus infections tend to be more severe for older peoples and those with pre-existing health conditions, which unfortunately occur more frequently in disadvantaged groups, groups of people who have less or no access to health care, or more likely to live and work in conditions that increase the risk of infection. The policies to contain it could even widen pre-existing inequalities.

Countries have adopted various forms of policies and measures to “flatten the curve”, including a range of public health and social measures, movement restrictions, closure of schools and businesses, restriction on social-religious-sports-entertainment activities, quarantine in specific geographic areas and international travel restrictions. With school closures in over 190 countries, children’s education -especially for the girls- is at risk and potentially increases child labour. As education and training have been disrupted, young people have greater obstacles for their transition from school to work, their start-up business have seen collapses, and a current wave of job losses have hampered employment opportunities and earning, forcing more than one in six people aged under 29 to stop working. Anxiety or depression among young generation led many to dub them the ‘lock down generation’.

13 July 2020

Partnership initated with SEWA Kerala in India

Today WSM partnered with SEWA Kerala with Ms Sonia George for a short 6 month pilot project "Undertaking groundwork for the furtherance of organising and developing social security coverage for women workers in the informal sector". With activities like research, advocacy, awareness raising and training, we hope to have as outcomes:
  1. A better understanding of a social security floor for women workers in the informal sector towards policy discussions
  2. Mapping of areas/sectors in which internal migration of women is high in Kerala
  3. A study of the possible mechanisms for the portability of PDS for internal migrant workers
  4. Organising migrant workers through source and destination linkages.
SEWA and the women in the informal sector 
SEWA is a union of women in the informal sector in existence since 1972. This union has been expanding in several states of India and presently covers 17 states. Of the present workforce in India, 93% are in the informal sector and half of these are women who are both vulnerable and, in several ways, invisible. There are no unions that focus on this sector of women who are not only vulnerable but also relegated to a back seat in most union activity in the country. SEWA has tried to make the issues of these women workers visible. The issue of social security cover for such women workers is an area that SEWA would like to focus on in the future.

And in Kerala?
Kerala is one of the older states where SEWA is established. The membership of Kerala is made up of women workers from trades like domestic workers, street vendors, fish vendors, home based workers of different kinds, reed workers and some agricultural workers, SEWA Kerala has been responsible for the sector of domestic workers within the larger SEWA national union. 

SEWA Kerala has around 15.000 members that are domestic workers and 2.000 women street vendors, as well as 3.000 fish workers, which also often double as street vendors. SEWA empowers them to increase their livelihood and food security, by organising them, strengthening their capacities to bargain and facilitating access to seed money.  

Kerala is also a state that receives a lot of women workers coming from other states, a large number of whom are invisible as they work as live in domestic workers where access to social security schemes is complicated for them, because of lack of Kerala documents.

SEWA and domestic workers
As part of this work, SEWA Kerala has been coordinating the National Platform for Domestic Workers, a platform made up of different unions around the country that work with the domestic workers. While focusing on securing a comprehensive legislation for domestic workers in India, the Platform has also been engaging with the labour reforms that the Central Government is seeking to introduce. One of the main issues in the reform is the manner in which the informal workers will have access to social security. While the present draft of the reform bill is to render social security as a welfare measure and that too with minimal coverage, the effort is to work towards securing social security as a right. This is an area in which a large awareness and understanding has to be built.

25 June 2020

Development cooperation - Wil we keep chasing catastrophies or will we invest in better social protection?

We all know that strong social protection makes a country and its population more resilient to shocks. It is therefore undoubtedly better for people to receive a decent replacement income than to depend on emergency aid. Yet no less than 55% of the world's population does not benefit from any form of social protection and 71% is insufficiently protected throughout their life. COVID-19 and the measures taken to contain the virus make the shortages painfully clear. WSM analysed the development cooperation expenditure in Belgium and the EU for humanitarian assistance and social protection. We notice a lot of good intentions, but in practice (and budgets), the policy seems to have missed the right track with a lot more budget for the short term, (reactive) response than for the long term (proactive), stronger social protection. 
Read the full article here.

24 June 2020

States in danger when they want to protect their populations? - The "investor-state dispute settlement" mechanism in Covid-19 time - 600 social organizations from 90 countries are reacting!

All around the world, many governments are taking action to save lives, stem the pandemic, protect jobs, fight economic disasters and ensure that people's basic needs are met. The scale of these measures is unprecedented in modern times and the need for these actions is clear. Yet these measures can be questioned and attacked, legally, by multinationals!

States are facing a wave of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) lawsuits that could expose these crucial government measures to multi-million dollar claims from foreign investors. The number of such claims could also be unprecedented and could possibly impose significant financial burdens on governments already facing devastating health and economic crises. Lawsuits could arise from actions taken by many governments trying to, for example, ensure access to clean water for hand washing by freezing utility bills and suspending cut-offs, or to ensure that medicines, tests and vaccines are affordable for people. 

Along with 600 other organizations from 90 countries around the world, WSM is calling for the permanent suspension of this unfair mechanism, made possible by hundreds of free trade agreements signed between states. The entire open letter can be found here.

19 June 2020

ILO Convention 190: One year later....

In June 2019, the ILO adopted the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190) and its supplementing Recommendation (No. 206). Violence and harassment is unacceptable anywhere and at any time, whether in times of prosperity or of crisis. Nevertheless, the risk of violence and harassment is even higher in crises, including during the current COVID-19 outbreak.
To mark the first anniversary of the adoption of both instruments, the ILO will organize a virtual high-level event with the participation of the ILO Director-General, Mr Guy Ryder, to discuss their role in responding and recovering from the current COVID-19 pandemic.

WSM and the members of the network on the right to social protection were strongly invested in the drafting and passing of the ILO Convention 190 regarding Violence and Harassment in the world of work. Today, two members of the ANRSP attended the ILO webinar. Sulistri from KSBSI shared:"Uruguy is the first country which  ratified C190 and Fiji’s ratification has already reached ILO Geneva."
Sr Christy from National Domestic Workers Movement in India added:"ILC190 is even more relevant in COVID-19 pandemic times. Violence against those caring for the sick, disabled and health workers are increasing. There are limited opportunities for trade unions, people's movement and organisations to intervene. We should initiate policy making and awareness raising and it is more important than ever to push governments to ratify and implement the Convention, as C190 protects all range of workers, formal and informal, as well as ethnic groups.

12 May 2020

Passing laws, ensuring young and women leadership in trade unions - Nepal in 2019

The next generation needs to ensure trade unions leadership, therefore General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) chose to invest in the organizing of workers below 35, since they are the future. “I’m Geeta (34) and I have two children. I have been working in an aluminium industry since the past 14 years. I started working at the age of 20. At that time, I had no idea about trade union rights, workers’ rights or women rights. In 2004 I got the opportunity to participate in a programme organized by GEFONT. I really got inspired and started raising awareness among my co-workers. In 2006, I became the GEFONT representative for my enterprise and in 2010 I became the Whole Industry Trade Union Nepal (WHIN) district committee member (blue collar workers) and secretary.

Dilli, 38 years old, is fighting, together with Nepal Trade Union Congress (NTUC), for better wages and better working conditions. “I have a very poor family background: I have 4 children, a disabled father and a mother with a chronic disease.  I’ve been working in an Ilam Dairy Product Cooperative since 2004, with a total salary of 2.000 NPR (15 EUR). I used to work 12 hours a day, without any leave or other welfare support. My salary was way too low to fulfil the basic needs of my family, as well as to pay medicines for my parents. I asked my management several times for an increase, but it was denied over and over again”.
That’s why he consulted WSM partner, local trade union, NTUC. An NTUC district committee carefully listened to his grievances and they involved him in different programs and activities of the Union. Finally, in 2017, with the initiation of NTUC, his salary was increased to the level of the minimum wage of 9.700 NPR (73,50 EUR). For long, the minimum wages fell far below the amount needed to satisfy the family subsistence. In 2018 the legal minimum wage was revised and increased to 13.450 NPR (101,90 EUR). However, regular monitoring of the implementation of the wages is very important. In case of Nepal, this aspect is fully absent. Workers in enterprises or sectors where union is absent or weak are still compelled to work for a wage that is insufficient to earn a living. Dili for example did again not receive the increased minimum wage. That’s why NTUC made a second request to revise his wage in the beginning of 2019. Thanks to their support, he is now receiving it.

As became clear in the above example, NTUC has been organizing various policy dialogues and policy level intervention activities. They organized their workers through its regular activities, such as May Day, International Women Day, the International Occupational Health and Safety Day, Decent Work Day, Youth Day, etc. They focused on organizing and campaigning. Because of these and other efforts, NTUC and GEFONT have managed a very respectable increase of membership of 100.000 members in the past three years, of which the overwhelming majority are women and under 35 years old!

Domestic workers, health and plants - India in 2019

“My name is Sunanda. I have a sister and also a brother who became handicapped in an accident. I have been working as a domestic worker for 8 years now. For the moment, I only work in two houses, because I’m getting older and I have stomach problems. I didn’t have the courage to speak with my employer about raising my salary or about having any holidays. I was too afraid of losing my job. However, I was interested in exploring new possibilities. In 2011, I attended a meeting of domestic workers in my area. I was impressed, as they were speaking about the rights of domestic workers. After that, I attended the meetings regularly. I became aware of my rights and I had more courage to stand for them. I left my previous job because I didn't get a salary increase. I am no longer afraid of losing my job, since I have many contacts with other domestic workers who can refer me to other and better jobs. What's more: I am the leader of the group now. I mobilize people for meetings, programmes and demonstration and I help the workers with enrolling in the Welfare Board.”
First, NDWM (National Domestic Workers Movement) is working with domestic workers, child domestic workers and migrant workers in 23 states of India. They work towards achieving dignity for them, at both a national and international level. NDWM and its federation NDWF (National Domestic Workers Federation) gather over 50.000 domestic workers monthly. Around 40.406 members were given awareness on labour rights, such as minimum wages.

Another testimony is from Jacinta (42), who is also a domestic worker:
As a single mother, I used to work from morning till night, with a shift from one employers’ house to another and from one locality to another, just to meet the needs of my family. Initially my wage was very low, ranging from 500 INR per month (6 EUR) in each house. But I managed to send my son to school and later, apart from the domestic work, I started my own small business by selling vegetables in the evening. 

I joined the Union and got more confidence to run my own small business. NDWF provided me with a loan of 8.000 INR (nearly 100EUR) to extend my business. I also participated in the skill development training programmes on cooking and in other training and capacity building programmes. My wage has increased and I’m currently working for 5 families with a payment of 10.000 INR monthly (120EUR). Now I’m able to save some money every month, with which I gradually want to build a small house where I can live peacefully with my son”.

In India, the minimum wages for domestic workers are still very low. NDWM has established a forum in which domestic workers can raise their voices to get paid accordingly. If the employers still refuse, the domestic workers show their ‘wage card’. This is a card prepared by NDWM in different states for a better understanding of wages from the employers. However, employers often still fail to pay them enough. Moreover, the unorganized workers have recently fallen out of the minimum wages, as was expressed in the Working People’s Charter. Therefore, the unions have to lobby more rather than perform activities and quick changes in the field. But after three years, the impact of these activities can be noticed: almost 250.000 workers have significantly improved their existing jobs.

WSM also channels funds to the Domestic Workers Movement from Music for Life and the Brussels Region, which has sistered with Chennai, a city in the south. Brussels Region supports the NDWM Tamil Nadu branch in supporting domestic workers and their children who have been evited from the Chennai city center slums and had been relocated 40km away, causing many to lose their jobs and lacking schools.

 Next, access to health is one of the two priority areas for AREDS in the South of India. Medical care is almost entirely privatized in India, which makes health care services very expensive. The average cost of treatment in a private hospital is around 25.850 INR (310 EUR) as compared to 6.120 INR (74 EUR) in a public hospital . That’s why AREDS has been focusing its activities on promoting native medicine practices. Most of the health-related problems in rural areas are common illnesses, like fever, cold, cough, etc. These are curable with native medicines. Many of the herbs and shrubs that grow in villages have medicinal values. These plants can either be used as raw medicine and consumed or they can be cooked along with normal food items. “Above all, people don’t need to spend money for these medicinal plants, as they grow on the fields. But they need to know about the process of making medicinal plants into consumable medicines. That’s why we prepare medicines with native medicinal plants on the one hand and give training on the preparation of medicines with the medicinal plants on the other hand”, said Samy, founder of AREDS.  Almost 30.000 people (80% women) now have better social security coverage or access to health after three years.

Finally, AREDS succeeded to raise awareness on preventive health practices among 4.817 members (61% women and 71% adolescents). Almost 4.500 people attended trainings on the basics of health care (91% women and 66% adolescents). Concerning labour standards, AREDS organized more than 1.704 members of which 74% were women. They gave basic training on labour rights to 577 members and over 1.000 workers underwent training on trade union movement.

These stories illustrate why the WSM India partners focus on a decent living income for the informal sector (such as domestic workers, agricultural workers, etc.).

Over 1 million Indians were reached in 2019:
  • Over 660.000 people (53% women and 44% youth) are more aware of their labour and rights through campaigns and outreach.
  • Trade unions organized over 75.000 workers, 65% women and 40% youth.
  • Over 17.000 people, 88% women and 41% youth, received basic training in labour standards, social security and health. Over 12.000 Indians, 90% women and 40% young workers, received advanced training (of leaders or of Trainers).
  • Over 2.000 workers, almost all women and 38% young workers, benefited from legal assistance for labour rights.
  • Advocacy: Nearly 300.000 people (36% women and 48% young workers) were mobilized at grassroots level (ex. demonstrations, petitions…).
India Partners: CWM-I, AREDS, NDWM, NDWF, CFTUI                Budget 2019: 244.872 €
Donor: DGD, Brussels Region, Province of West Flanders                      Programme: 2017-2021

At the continental level: what did the ANRSP focus on and achieve in 2019?

Continental meeting
The Asia seminar was held in Kathmandu in February 2019 with two participants from each of the WSM Asia partners. In addition, representatives from the Network on Transformative Social Protection (NTSP) participated, as well as from ILO Nepal, ITUC-Asia Pacific, who provided valuable input.  A keynote intervention was given through video by Reema Nanavati from SEWA, a member of the Global commission on the Future of Work.

During the first part of the seminar we focused on labour market policies. Social movements have a key role to play in the debate on which types of jobs are needed for a truly inclusive economic development. Industrial policies and employment strategies or not to be left to business and governments alone, but it should be a key issue in the social dialogue. Currently, too many jobs don’t fulfill the Decent Work criteria (labour protection falters, salaries are too low, there is no social protection, no respect for social dialogue or freedom of association, job creation doesn’t follow economic growth).
In the second part of the seminar, the focus was on the Future of Work and the ILO centenary conference. An overview was presented of the most important trends in the world of work and on what needs to be done to guarantee more decent work in the future. The need for a renewed social contract, guaranteeing a fair share of prosperity for all, was broadly shared by the participants.

What did we learn? Labour market policies are a new issue for most member organisations of the ANRSP.  The learning and the capacity strengthening aspects of the seminar were evaluated as most important for the participants. Nevertheless, the discussions on the broader issue of the future of work led to a wider sharing of the vision on economic development, on the essential role for civil society and governments in the shaping of the ‘world of work’ and was thus a new step in strengthening the ANRSP.

Migrant, garment workers and social security - Indonesia in 2019

Yusi Candi is a migrant worker who worked in Saudi Arabia. She was struck by disaster while working abroad but now her condition has improved. Currently Yusi works as an honorary teacher in a kindergarten in Karawang district, where she previously had worked as a migrant worker. Yusi didn’t not know all of her rights and obligations as a migrant worker until she had an accident. In Indonesia she was assisted by SPMI and she learned why for prospective migrant workers it is important to be recruited through legal channels. She now passes on the information to other migrant workers , whom plan to go working abroad.Yusi also played an active role in her area helping with the handling of cases of abused migrant workers for SPMI. She’s also thinking of becoming an organizer for SPMI in her living area, aside from her job as a teacher. That way Yusi hopes she can contribute to the trainings of SPMI in this area, so she can provide a better understanding and training to migrant workers before they go abroad on how to migrate in a legal way, and what are the legal rights of Indonesian migrant workers going abroad. Because in Yusi’s living area there are still many illegal departures.
Political, economic and social context
Presidential elections were held on 17 April 2019. Incumbent president Joko Widodo won 55,5 % of all votes, while his opponent Prabowo Subianto lost the election with 44,5% of the votes. However, as in 2014, Subianto was not ready to accept the result and petitioned the Constitutional Court to cancel the results of the election, bringing fraud allegations against Widodo. This created a lot of political tension, with protesters rioting in the streets of Jakarta. In the end the Court ruled against the petition of electoral fraud and upheld Widodo’s victory. In October President Widodo surprisingly appointed Subianto as Defense Minister in his new government. The new cabinet introduced a draconian package of economic reforms, also known as the ‘OMNIBUS – law’. The Indonesian government says the goal of the package is to create jobs and to increase competitiveness through simplification of existing laws, making it easier for businesses to invest. However, partner organization KSBSI says that the ‘OMNIBUS – law’  (which is actually a cluster of 74 different laws, divided over 11 policy areas) will substantially remove the existing protection mechanisms for workers that have been created over a period of 20 years, not in the least the Labour Law of 2003 and the Law concerning Trade Unions of 2000. Together with two other trade union confederations KSPI and KSPSI, KSBSI has reactivated the union platform MPBI, to lobby against the enactment of the OMNIBUS – law.

Garment workers, health, elderly - Bangladesh in 2019

“My name is Tahmina and I’m 25 years old. I worked as a garment worker for a 5.300BDT salary (58 EUR) per month but later, I became an operator in another factory and there I received 7,300BDT (80 EUR) as monthly salary. In 2015, I became a member of NGWF and attended several trainings, meetings and processions. I learned about the rights of workers and received women leadership training. In 2017, I started to organize workers by myself and in July I was elected secretary of our union. In 2019 however, I was fired verbally without any further notice from the factory. One month later, a grievance notice was sent to me for legal payment of 105,838BDT (1,150 EUR) to the factory management. I filed a case against them with the help of NGWF and their Legal Aid. The case was solved and I received 100,000BDT (1,087 EUR) as compensation. With that money, I bought some land for farming. I feel honored to be a member of NGWF and my dream is to grow awareness about labor rights among workers”.
First, NGWF is helping its garment workers members through legal aid assistance and advocates for better working conditions in Bangladesh through rallies, hunger strikes, human chains, memoranda handovers to the government, etc). In total, 62.330 members have improved their existing job, for example through basic training on labor rights and advanced training on collective bargaining. NGWF is also helping their members to get better social security coverage. Over 100.000 workers (67% women and 84% youngsters) were made more aware about social security through posters and leaflets and 55.000 workers were reached through their media releases regarding the situation and rights of garment workers. Many of the staff and members of NGWF are young workers, since they focus on youth leadership and development.
I am Sumi from Bhola Barishal in Bangladesh. I am 25 years old. I was forced by my parents to marry at the age of 17. As a day laborer, my husband hardly had any work. At that time, we could only eat one meal a day. I could not take care for my family, so I went to Dhaka on my own. There, I joined a button factory at the age of 19, which my husband also joined later. After working there for a couple of years, we got our first daughter and later we got a second one. Hence, we felt sick several times during that year. It was very hard to live with a limited budget, since we had to spent a lot for doctor visits and medicines. Then, I heard about a medical camp near the factory where I work. I went there and took a health insurance of GK. Now we can visit a doctor and buy medicines at a lower cost. Together with my husband I participated in some awareness raising trainings on various health issues, personal hygiene and occupational health safety. I also try to teach my children about personal hygiene. Now, my family feels less sick thanks to the health services provided by GK. 
The second WSM partner in Bangladesh is Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK), the largest health provider after the Bangladeshi government. They started out by focusing on the rural areas, but now they also include garment workers. As it became clear in the above testimony, through the services of GK more people have enrolled in social security schemes or systems of social insurance (like pensions, maternity benefits, unemployment benefits, etc.). People also have improved access to health, because they subscribed to a health insurance system or were reached by activities offering health services by partner organisations, such as health camps, awareness raising, health insurance, day observation, personal hygiene, etc. In 2019, over 100.000 members (54% women and 79% youth) have achieved better access to health services. GK also provided over 150 people with vocational skill training to be able to find a better job and to have an improved income security. For example: after completion of computer and embroidery training, 40 out of 60 women got new jobs.

The exchanges between GK and OKRA regarding elderly also continued, with OKRA Coordinator Mark DeSoete and three other staff from OKRA visiting Bangladesh. They also invited an actor who, based on his experiences in Bangladesh, created a play that will tour around the OKRA meeting points in Flanders during 2020 raising awareness about the issues of elderly and social protection.

Last, a lot of people benefited from the services provided by the WSM synergy program in Bangladesh. Nazma for example got training on social protection and labor law arranged by the synergy activity. As an activist and women leader, she was motived to learn about important labor laws and rights. On the 22nd of April 2019, all workers put forward a Charter of Demand to their factory management. Now workers get a weekly holiday, attendance bonus, maternity leave and casual leave with payment, medical facilities, etc. “Workers are finally enjoying their rights, which is a great achievement for me”, said Nazma.

As an impact of the activities of the WSM partners in the past three years, the WSM supported activities contributed that over 60.000 people found a new job or improved their existing job. Almost 300.000 people had better coverage, be it for social security or access to health. Three important legislation were also passed to benefit garment workers: the minimum wage was increased; Safe Working Condition were improved and freedom of Association for trade unions and collective bargaining were better guaranteed.

In 2019, over 600.000 people reached through:
For labour standards: over 160.000 garment workers (60% women and 70% youth) reached through:
  • Over 150.000 garment workers are more aware of their rights through campaigns and public outreach. 
  • Almost 3.000 garment workers are newly organized
  • Almost 400 received basic or advanced training 
  • Over 3.200 garment workers received legal assistance. 
  • Over 1.200 workers were mobilised to demand to increase the minimum wage. 
155 people got vocational skill training through GK, and they raised awareness regarding women driving.
200.000 workers were made aware of their social security rights and 30 got a basic training.
Almost 200.000 people were involved to improve their access to health because of GK, with 15.000 people getting direct medical attention.

Partners: NGWF, GK, OHS Initiative, BSPAN               Budget 2019: 100.000€
Donor: Own WSM funds                                                   Programme: 2017-2021