About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.

30 May 2014

The 21 Cambodian union activists were released, international support and pressure pays off!

On May 30 fell in Cambodia the verdict in the case of trade union activists from the clothing industry who were arrested during a demonstration for a higher minimum wage. Early January, the demonstration of half a million workers was, at the request of local business managers, beaten bloody by special order services. Five were killed, 39 seriously injured and 23 protesters were arrested. 21 were still in prison, some in very poor medical condition, but today, all 21 were finally released.
On 10 February, the world union ITUC organized a global day of protest actions to advocate for the release of the activists and support their fight for a higher minimum wage in Cambodia. In Brussels,  two hundred activists gathered at the Cambodian embassy, after a call from ACV-CSC, -ABVV-FGTB, World Solidarity, the Clean Clothes Campaign, FOS, Oxfam Solidarity and the International Trade Union Confederation (also read this). For more background on this case, read this article by Jessie Vancouwenberghe from the International Department of ACV-CSC.
Marc Leemans, spokesman for the workers in the commission of standards at the International Labour Conference which was launched in Geneva this week, also obtained that Cambodia is put on the agenda as a case to monitor the respect for international labor rules. Cambodia is high on the priority list of the employees because of the numerous and flagrant violations of labor rights. In the recently published report by the International Trade Union Confederation on workers' rights, Cambodia received a very poor score.
Next week, the Cambodian government will therefore be called to justify itself in front of the standards committee of the International Labour Conference.

28 May 2014

A special thank you letter... from Cambodia

Today, I received a thank you letter that I wanted to share with you.
Garment workers across Cambodia went on strike after the Cambodian Government failed to listen to it's own committees advice and raised the minimum wage to just 95USD, which was far lower than the 160USD workers and trade unions were demanding. On January 2 and 3 the police and military turned violent and four people were killed, 39 injured and 23 detained.

Of the 23 workers that got arrested, two were released in February but the other 21 are still imprisoned and trails are  going on. Ath Thorn, the president of our partner C.CAWDU (also appearing in this video, calling for a peaceful demonstration), had to get 25,000USD for bail. They raised 15,000USD from contributions of workers, despite the low salaries, and through international support, managed to raise the remaining amount. He wrote a letter to WSM and others thanking us. Here is what Ath mentions:
"On May 12 I, accompanied by CLC staff and C.CAWDU local activists, delivered the bail money in a huge clear plastic bag to the court. They initially tried not to accept the money in Cambodian Riel but we explained that it was from thousands of garment workers and they had to accept it. They finally agreed. (...) With this amazing support on behalf of C.CAWDU's members, and a strong support from our international allies, C.CAWDU leaders are very inspired and motivated to continue our struggle for labor justice in Cambodia."
It put a smile on my face...

27 May 2014

Colruyt stoppe sa collaboration avec des fournisseurs non-européens

Le jeudi 26 mai 2014, la chaîne de supermarché belge Colruyt a émis un communiqué: "En 2013, le groupe a fait auditer quelque 62 fabricants non-food asiatiques (...) Chez 15 de ces fournisseurs, un terme a été mis à la collaboration pour résultats insuffisants ou refus d'audit. Le groupe a également accepté 223 audits menés par des organisations tierces et validés comme conformes, portant le nombre d'unités de production contrôlées à 285. Au fil des audits, Colruyt Group a pu constater les progrès réalisés au niveau des conditions de travail. Dans la plupart des cas, le management est disposé à apporter les améliorations demandées. Un plan d'amélioration a été soumis à 23 autres fournisseurs, lesquels seront à nouveau contrôlés en 2014. Colruyt Group a par ailleurs mis un terme à la collaboration avec 15 fabricants pour refus d'audit ou résultats insuffisants.

26 May 2014

Delegatie van WSM en partners naar ILO conventie

Op woensdag 28 mei start IAO-conferentie in Genève. Daar zullen overheden, vakbonden en werkgevers vanuit 185 landen zich buigen over de Waardig Werk agenda. Er ligt dus heel wat werk op de plank voor de collega's van ACV en onze vakbondspartners uit het Zuiden.

Maar ook collega's van Wereldsolidariteit en de internationale jongerenbeweging YCW (foto) zijn van de partij. Grote vraag is of Cambodja effectief op de lijst van de normencommissie zal staan, omwille van de vele schendingen van vakbondsvrijheid.
Het is al de 103de keer dat de conferentie gehouden wordt. Zoals elk jaar zal er een "Normencommissie" doorgaan, waarbij 25 landen op het matje geroepen worden omwille van de schendingen van arbeidsrechten die er hebben plaatsgevonden. Helaas zijn er veel meer landen die zich hieraan schuldig maken, maar van de lijst met 40 landen die er nu bestaat, zullen er slechts 25 ook effectief aan bod komen in de Normencommissie. De grote vraag is nu of Cambodja erbij zal zijn. Wereldsolidariteit hoopt alvast van wel en ook vanuit ACV zal er geijverd worden voor Cambodja. Sinds begin dit jaar immers is er een enorme repressiegolf aan de gang in Cambodja van alle vakbondsactiviteiten, waaronder die van onze partners ginder, C.CAWDU en CLC. Sinds januari zitten nog steeds 21 vakbondsmilitanten in de gevangenis zonder dat ze een eerlijk proces krijgen.
Maar naast deze normencommissie, die toekijkt op de naleving van internationale arbeidsrechten, zijn er ook nog andere commissies gepland:
Zo zal er een commissie rond dwangarbeid doorgaan, waarin men tot een protocol en aanbeveling wil komen die ervoor wil zorgen dat overheden beter omgaan met dit probleem, zowel om dwangarbeid te voorkomen, als om deze kwetsbare groep arbeiders te beschermen. In de 21ste eeuw zien we deze nieuwe vormen van slavernij immers vaak opduiken, zeker mbt de vele migrantenarbeiders, maar ook bij huispersoneel bv.
Daarnaast zal ook er zich ook een commissie buigen over de transitie van informele naar formele economie. Wereldwijd werken miljoenen mensen in de informele economie, zonder enige vorm van sociale bescherming. Om hen beter te beschermen, is zo'n transitie naar formele economie nodig. Deze commissie start dit jaar, maar zal ook volgend jaar nog plaatsvinden, vooraleer men tot concrete aanbevelingen rond deze problematiek zal kunnen komen.
Tenslotte zal er ook hevig gediscussieerd worden over de wereldwijde tewerkstellingsproblematiek. In deze tijden van globale crisis immers zijn wereldwijd heel wat jobs verloren gegaan en bedreigd, dus een creatie van jobs is een belangrijke uitdaging wereldwijd.
De WSM delegatie bestaat onder meer uit Kong Athit (C.CAWDU, Cambodja), Bismo Sanyoto (WSM), en Alberto Ramirez (CGTG, Guatemala). YCW reist af met haar voorzitter Mardi en Isak Kramppona (IYCW), Rohmat Sodikin (ASPAC), James Denteh (YCW Ghana), Sara Prenger (YCW Europe) en Orlando Machado (JOCA).
Volg meer op de wereldblog van Luc Cortebeeck op www.mo.be.

Business cards...

Business cards are important, especially in the beginning, and especially in Asia. You meet a lot of people and you get introduced all the time. No time to get the business cards printed in Belgium, so I had to do it here. Walked into the tiniest shop, and two days later, for a mere 8€, here they are...

Now, we have good hopes that tomorrow or the day after, a house will follow....

22 May 2014

Join the "Give a Red Card" against child labour - ILO campaign

21 days left... Every day, over 168 million children around the world wake up and go to work. They work in mines and sweatshops, on farms and on the street. Over half of them work in ways that put their health and safety and risk. That's unacceptable.

On June 12, the ILO will launch the #RedCard to Child Labour campaign. To mark the occasion, we're going to release a new song, that has been written and recorded especially for the campaign by several major artists committed to the fight against child labour.

Share it on your blog, Facebook, Twitter... I shared it on my Facebook and added 1,105 to the total reach (okay, compared to the total 3,581,750 already reached to date; it's a drop but all tiny bits help, said the mosquito and she peed in the ocean...)

20 May 2014

Coupe du Monde...

Venez nombreux à l'avant-première du documentaire "Copa para quem - Les dessous de la Coupe du monde" ce samedi 24 mai au Pianofabriek à Saint-Gilles. Au programme: docu / débat et soirée brésilienne!
Graffito a San Paolo del Brasile per i mondiali di calcio in arrivo. Sintesi perfetta.
Des grands événements sportifs comme ça sont l'occasion pour WSM d'attirer l'attention du public à des problématiques sociaux. Ainsi, pour la Coupe du Monde au Qatar, prévu pour 2022, WSM contribue à préparer une campagne sur les droits des travailleurs migrants, qui viennent souvent du Népal ou de l'Inde pour y travailler dans la construction des stades.

16 May 2014

Ontmoeting met Jeanne Devos

Vandaag had ik het plezier om Jeanne Devos te ontmoeten, een beetje een levende legende die werkt met domestic workers in India. Zij is heel actief met de National Domestic Workers Movement (NDWM), een langstaande partner van WSM.

NDWM is een incontourable in Azië, en die heel actief zijn geweest om ook via het ILO een conventie af te sluiten rond Domestic Workers in 2011. We spraken af in Heverlee, in haar congregatie, net voor haar afspraak met de oogarts, om eens kennis te maken. Ze is duidelijk een beweginsgmens, en maakt duidelijk dat voor haar de prioriteit de nadruk moet liggen op de basis, het werk met de mensen, en dat al de paperassen, regeltjes en vereisten van 'ontwikkelingssamenwerk' daar maar een middel toe zijn. Zeker een aandachtpunt om mee te nemen, ons werk en steun mag de partners niet overmate belasten met reporting en papieren. Natuurlijk wel een evenwicht zoeken met transparentie en accountability.

We keken ook samen naar mijn gepland bezoek voor Indië, waar ik in juli ga langsgaan bij de verschillende partners.

Ik kijk echt uit naar die drie weken. Na al eens te zijn geweest bij de partners in Bangladesh en Nepal, is het hoog tijd dat ik de Indische partners, vijf op de tien partners toch, ook eens beter keer kennen. En daar zie ik dus zeker ook Jeanne terug!

08 May 2014

Rencontre avec les autres coopérants: M&E

"Le conclave a commencé." C'est la façon que mes collègues, pour rire, ont décrit cette rencontre de la cellule méthodologique, ou bien suivi et évaluation. Les autres coopérants, basés en Afrique, Asie et Amérique latine assistent tous à cette réunion de trois jours, en résidentielle à Bruxelles. Les collègues rigolent, mais cela montre une certaine appréhension. Pour beaucoup, ces rencontres de la cellule méthodo, ça a l'air toujours technique, un peu secret, incompréhensible, et puis on sort avec pleins de documents et des outils... qu'eux vont devoir appliquer. Et, force est d'admettre qu'il y a un peu de ça...

Le suivi et l'évaluation (ou M&E) sont tous les outils qui permettent de vérifier si un projet fonctionne bien, si on atteint les objectifs. Dans le monde du développement, c'est devenu tout un domaine spécifique, avec différents écoles et son propre vocabulaire. Perso, je suis fan, ou adepte, selon la conception. J'aime bien développer et tester des outils, y impliquer des bénéficiaires, chercher des moyens simples mais qui illustrent ou indiquent qu'on fait des progrès, qu'on crée une différence. Mais comment mesurer l'impact d'une formation, savoir si cela a changé la mentalité, l'attitude ou le comportement d'un participant? Comment démontrer que des années de plaidoyer ont aboutit à une nouvelle loi, ou une convention collective de travail, et que nos activités y ont contribué? Avec nous quatre coopérants qui travaillent sur le terrain, on y réfléchit. Et on discute d'outils, de moyens. Et nos collègues attendent, avec un peu de crainte, la fumée noire ou grise....

01 May 2014

Example of political action: Nepal May Day celebration

The following article illustrates very well what we mean by political action, one of the three levels on which we support our partners. Nepal, a country in full transition (still drafting a new constitution), offers a lot of challenges but also opportunities to lobby for more social protection, labour rights and social security schemes. It highlights some of the issues at stake, like how to finance the social security fund, as well as the political tract our two partners, two of the main trade unions, have, by bringing in the Prime Minister to attend the rally. Remains to be seen if he can keeps his promise.

KATHMANDU: Trade unions have demanded that the government bring rules to provide social security schemes to workers at the earliest.

Observing the International Labour Day, also dubbed ‘May Day’ on Thursday, trade unions threatened to obstruct budget session of the Parliament, if the government fails to address their issues related to workers’ rights.

All the trade unions under the Joint Trade Union Coordination Centre (JTUCC) have jointly decided to give ultimatum to the government regarding the social security issue. Even as the government promises to bring schemes for workers, it has not been able to do so due to delay in promulgation of the Social Security Act (SSA) and new Labour Act.

Bishnu Rimal, president of General Federation of Nepalese Trade Union (GEFONT), has warned that if the next session of the Constituent Assembly (CA) or parliament does not implement the social security schemes, all the trade unions will demand refund of all the money that has been contributed to the Social Security Fund (SSF). The fund has so far accumulated Rs seven billion.

“We will also obstruct the budget session if the government fails to bring the schemes,” he said.

A commitment motion regarding the social security schemes has already been submitted in the parliament. According to Khilnath Dahal, president of Nepal Trade Union Congress-Independent (NTUC), lack of SSA has been the main hurdle in utilising the fund and bringing the schemes. As per the draft of the SSA, employees will contribute 11 per cent of their wage, up from the existing one per cent and employers will be responsible to chip in 20 per cent to the fund. 

For the fund, one per cent is being deducted from the salary of employees engaged in both the public and private sectors since the last four years. The government had introduced Social Security Fund Management and Operation Regulation 2011 to collect the taxes and bring schemes. However, the social security schemes have not materialised till date.

The trade unions claim neither the government nor the private sector is showing interest in introducing the SSA and utilising the money in the SSF. Employers, on the other hand, say that while they are not against the social security plans, the government needs to take it as a package in reforming all of labour-related issues. 

“Since flexible labour law is crucial for smooth labour relations, the new Labour Act too must be endorsed,” said Manish Agrawal, vice-president of the Employers’ Council of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Agrawal said that even as there had been marked improvement in labour relations, it was necessary to make reforms in the related laws. 

In the social security, the government also plans to introduce schemes to cover maternity expenses, workplace hazards and medical treatment of workers. The fund has also envisaged of bringing other plans, including unemployment benefits, facilities for dependents of workers, old-age compensation to workers, among others.

There have been demands to amend other Acts, including Trade Union Act and Insurance Act. An official at the Ministry of Labour and Employment said that since the trade unions and employers are still debating some provisions like ‘hire and fire’ and ‘no work, no pay’ in the new labour law, promulgation of the rule regarding social security was taking more time. The SSA is crucial to govern the SSF.

Trade unions raised their voice on workers’ rights on May Day and marked it by organising rallies, mass meetings and different programmes across the country.

PM assures workers’ representation
Prime Minister Sushil Koirala on Thursday expressed commitment to ensure workers’ representation in each policy level body of the government. To this regard, he has sought a year’s time. “I assure workers’ representation in the policy level bodies of the state,” said PM Koirala while addressing a May Day programme organised by Nepal Trade Union Congress-Independent to mark the 125th International Labour Day. In the programme, Minister of State for Labour and Employment Tek Bahadur Gurung said they were serious towards addressing the problems of workers and assuring their rights. — HNS

Some provisions in Social Security Act:
11 per cent of workers’ salary to go towards the Social Security Fund
Employers to contribute 20 per cent of the workers’ salary to the fund 
Use money collected in the fund for workers’ security schemes
Provide unemployment benefits 
Pension after retirement
Insurance for reproductive health and accidents at workplace for the workers

Scan of article in The Himalayan
For the original article, click here