About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.
Showing posts with label Domestic Workers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Domestic Workers. Show all posts

30 September 2023

My Journey as a Home Worker: Empowerment, Challenges, and Triumphs - Nepal 2023

My name is Laxmi Pradhan Shrestha, and I am a 44-year-old woman residing in Naikap in Kathmandu. As an active member of the Nepal Home Workers Union, affiliated with the Nepal Trade Union Congress (NTUC), my life has been a tapestry of struggles, growth, and resilience.

The Struggle for Workers’ Rights

When I first joined the home worker’s union, I was an ordinary woman from a regular family. Like many others, the income I earned through my work was barely enough to support my family. But being part of the union opened my eyes to the rights of workers. I realized that we deserved better—better wages, better working conditions, and better opportunities.

Balancing Union Work and Family

As I actively participated in various union activities—May Day rallies, meetings, and conferences—I faced a delicate balancing act. While I fought for workers’ rights, tensions arose at home. My in-laws, who lived with me, closely monitored my household affairs whenever I was away for union work. Conflicts ensued, but I persevered.

Skill Development and Income Generation

The union provided training on income generation and skill development. I seized this opportunity, eager to enhance my small-scale business. From knitting sweaters to making caps, spinning yarn, creating garlands, and preparing pickles at home, I honed my skills. Gradually, appreciation flowed in, and local shops started buying my products. I even sold my handmade items in Kathmandu’s bustling Asan area.

 A Positive Shift in My Life

With improved skills and growing confidence, my income began to rise. No longer solely dependent on my in-laws, I could better support my children’s education and maintain our health. Life took a positive turn. Recently, at the World Social Forum (WSF), our union supported me in setting up a stall to sell our products, providing additional income.

Navigating the Pandemic and engagement in Social Protection schemes

The COVID-19 pandemic posed challenges, but I adapted. My business weathered the storm, and I remained self-employed. The Nepalese government’s initiatives for social security among self-employed women like me give hope. We’ve expressed our desire to local government offices, advocating for our inclusion in these programs. Security and protection are essential for our well-being.

Looking Ahead

As I reflect on my journey, I am content. Yet, I look ahead with determination. The path to empowerment is ongoing. I dream of a future where self-employed women like me receive the support they deserve. Let us weave a stronger fabric of resilience, unity, and progress.

31 December 2022

What INSP!Ring happened in India in 2022?

India has a labour force of 488 million workers (2021), of which according to some estimations 86,8% or some  423 million are working in the unorganized sectors, mainly doing agricultural work in rural areas, or working in micro-, small, and medium enterprises, mostly in urban areas.  The remaining 65 million workers are designated as being workers in the formal sector, but that doesn’t mean they are all formal workers. Only about 32 million workers in India are considered to be formal workers, which means their terms and conditions of work should be regulated and protected by labour laws and employment contracts. Overall, it is estimated that more than 90% of the workforce in India or about 450 million workers are informal workers, having no written contract, no regular pay, no protection by the labour laws, no access to social security. 

New WSM – program 2022 - 2026

2022 saw the beginning of a new 5-year program, funded by the Belgian development cooperation agency DGD, for WSM’s five partner organizations in India, with a focus on defending existing labour rights, developing new labour standards, giving access to social security and developing social economy initiatives for mainly groups of informal workers. A particular feature in the programs with the informal workers is that before the organizations can really empower them, developing their capacity to avail their legal rights and to negotiate better working conditions, wages and access to social security schemes, these workers need to build the necessary self-confidence to speak up for themselves and become aware of their own working and living situation.

National Domestic Workers Movement
(NDWM) and National Domestic Workers Federation (NDWF), a federation of state-level domestic workers unions that was established in 2013, are both raising the awareness of the domestic workers in 14 states across India, to ensure that they can assert their labour rights and have more respect from their employers. The focus of the movement is on creating better working conditions for 25.000 domestic workers, with a decent and regular pay and a working day of maximum 8 hours, and on countering the day-to-day exploitation of women and children domestic workers. By further developing cooperatives in 8 states, NDWM also invests in empowerment of 15.000 domestic workers by giving them vocational training to earn an additional income so that they can ensure a secure and sustainable employment. In some states like Bihar, the movement will also organize a job placement agency so that the domestic workers can better exercise collective labour rights. The establishment and development of these cooperatives was already initiated in the years 2019 to 2021, with the financial assistance of the organization Familiehulp, and is now continued with financial assistance of the Alimentation Fund. 
The NDWF, aside from giving capacity building to their local, state level and national union leaders on the labour law and social security, will try to affiliate 23.000 more members and facilitate access to social security schemes or welfare boards for 30.000 domestic workers by the end of 2026. Another goal for NDWM and NDWF is for the Indian Central Government to ratify ILO Convention 189 on the protection of domestic workers and to enact a comprehensive legislation to protect domestic workers in 8 states.

Christian Workers Movement India (CWM India) is working with groups of (women) agricultural labourers and construction workers, women workers in different trades such as beedi workers (rolling cigarettes), dhobi workers (informal workers doing the laundry), training them to understand what are their labour rights and how to increase their negotiating abilities to either receive a just and fair price for their products or a higher wage and working conditions according to what is foreseen by the law. 

The Confederation of Free Trade Union India (CFTUI) is mainly trying to ensure or – when possible – to increase the legal minimum wage for informal groups of workers, such as domestic workers, asha (health) workers and anganwadi (childcare) workers, agricultural workers and for formal workers in the shops and establishments sector in Delhi and workers in the public sector (teachers, port and dock workers, workers in the metal, coal or electrical engineering industry). Both CWM and CFTUI will try to ensure their members and beneficiaries to get access to different social security schemes and health insurance. 

In the district of Karur, in Tamil Nadu, the Association of Rural Education and Development Services (AREDS) is working with the unorganized workers, mainly from the dalit communities, such as sanitary and agricultural workers, to improve their working conditions. In addition, the AREDS health workers are raising the awareness of adolescent girls and adult women about better health practices and how to use native medical practices and medicines. With the support of the Alimentation Fund AREDS has also started up four ‘Food Production Companies’ (FPO’s), which aim to give farmers more leverage on the price they receive for their products. There is one FPO selling goats and sheep, one selling flowers, one selling milk and grains, one selling sesame seeds and rice. These FPO’s are being organised as cooperatives: after becoming shareholders of the cooperative, the farmers benefit from the joint purchase of fodder for their animals and of pesticides and fertilizers and from the elimination of middlemen in the process of selling their products. The farmers directly sell their products through regular markets, which are organized by the cooperative. Over time they will also acquire more expertise on how to do organic farming and increase their production. 

In their action plans, the partner organizations for the first time have also integrated small objectives concerning women empowerment and the struggle for gender equality, awareness raising on a cleaner environment and occupational health hazards.

2022: Exit from the pandemic and adoption of the labour codes

Early 2022 India, as the rest of the world, was still suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, informal economy workers went through a lot of economic hardship, as they couldn’t go to their usual workplaces. They were dismissed by their employers and had to survive without any income or proper compensation from the government. When health restrictions were lifted many domestic workers were not able to find employment in two or three households per day again, as before the pandemic, so they lost a part of their daily income. On top of that came the rise of inflation as fuel and energy prices rose significantly worldwide, making it even harder for the unorganized sectors to pay for food, housing and other basic needs. The four controversial new Labour Codes (code on wages, industrial relations, occupational health and safety and working conditions, social security), which have been rejected by the labour movement in India for being ‘anti-worker’ and ‘anti-labour’, came into effect in July 2022.  The codes will increase the number and type of companies that can fire workers without government approval, enforce new norms on how unions can call strikes, discard rules that bar women from working night shifts and introduce a new social-security regime. However, for the codes to be implemented it is up to the different states to put them in state level legislation, a process which has stalled in many states over the past months and which is not expected to take place before the general election in 2024. 

Some results of the Indian partners working in synergy... 

National level: On 20 and 21 September WSM and the Indian partner organizations organized a national dialogue on social protection, while inviting other Indian trade unions and organizations such as SEWA, as an event to learn from the Indonesian experience in the Labour 20 and as a way to prepare for a dialogue with the Indian government and engage with other civil society groups in the framework of the G20 in India in 2023. Unfortunately, for the organization of the L20 in 2023, the Indian government was not willing to work with the independent trade union organizations and with the ITUC.

What is cooking with the domestic workers - India, 2022

Last name and first name: Pranali Rane
Age : 45 years old
Nationality: Indian
Location: Mumbai
Profession: domestic worker
Marital status: widow

"I joined NDWM in 2013 when I migrated to Mumbai after my husband’s death. The organisation supported me to get my rented house and enrolled my child in school. They helped me to get new domestic work to sustain my life. 

During the pandemic in 2020, I lost all of my domestic work, and it was very challenging for my survival. The NDWM supported us by providing grains and other necessary materials.  But I wanted to start some alternative income generating activity as they had taught us to become independent and stand on our feet. We got many trainings on accounting, budgeting, marketing, food making,… from the cooperative of the NDWM.  After the trainings, with the support of the NDWM, we initiated Abhiruchi Food and Products, a small-scale shop with other domestic workers, and started our new journey towards economical sustainability. 
Today, I am in charge of the kitchen of Abhiruchi Food and Products. Every morning I open my kitchen at 6 AM and I work with my friends until 10 AM. We equally support each other to complete our daily tasks and duties. Then we continue our daily domestic work as our main source of income. Today we feel more empowered because by this collective initiative. Still today NDWM gives us training on different skills, like personality development, communication, marketing, understanding product manufacturing and sale, food processing. Today I am leader of my community of domestic workers and the children’s group."

Some results by intervention strategy...
Labour rights: 
692.631 people, of which 62% women and 35% younger than 35 years, were reached through actions focussing on ensuring existing labour rights or developing new labour standards: 271.457 workers (59% women and 44% youth) were made more aware of their labour rights through campaigning and outreach. The partner organizations have organized 64.975 workers, of which 97% women and 30% youth. 31.792 people, of which 94% women and 34% youth received basic training, while 3.088 workers and union leaders (90% women and 43% youth) received advanced training. 52.211 workers, of which 95% women and 24% youth, benefitted from some kind of support or advice from the partner organization. More than 266.000 people (46% women and 39% youth) were mobilized at grassroots level (ex. demonstrations, petitions…) for advocacy actions, while the partner organizations reached out to some 2.869 people and policy makers during their actions towards parliament and the government.

Social security: 
146.895 people, of which 74% women and 28% younger than 35 years, were reached through actions focussing on giving access to better social security. 92.228 people were reached through awareness raising activities (60% women and 25% men), while 19.124 received basic training (97% women and 24% youth) and 146 people received advanced training (45% women and 16% youth). The partner organizations gave legal assistance and support to some 35.000 workers (99% women and 36% youth) and reached out to 188 policy makers.

Overall, almost 9.000 people were reached out to during actions to improve awareness on health practices and how to use native medical practices and medicines.

01 February 2021

When your daughter is the first to finish high school, Testimony of a domestic worker - India 2020

Devi, 36 years, a domestic worker from Patna, part of the National Domestic Workers’ Movement since 2009: “I have four children and my husband is a daily wage labourer who does not support the family. The movement staff contacted me and encouraged me to educate my children. With their support I admitted first two children in school and later the other two. Today I am extremely happy that my child, Anjali, has completed her +2 in a reputed school in Patna and my other children are in class 8th, 5th and 3rd. This is the first time in our locality that a girl child  has completed higher secondary studies and she has dreams to become a teacher. NDWM also stood by my family along with 95 domestic workers families in my locality during the lockdown."

24 September 2020

India: protest by domestic workers

Nationwide protest held by NDWM, NDWF and CFTUI under the National Platform Domestic Workers  to demand National Legislation for Domestic Workers, Cash transfer to the domestic workers affected by Covid crisis and to implement the Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme. 

Memoranda were submitted to the MPs, Labour Ministers in different States, Labour Commissioners and District Collectors. These are images from States of Maharashtra, Bihar, Tamil nadu, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Orissa, Jharkand, Karnataka, Delhi, UP, Kerala, MP and Goa.

The nationwide protests received a lot of media coverage. In a press conference organized in Assisi Auditorium in Dimapur, the NDWM-Nagaland Region laid down four demands for the government. It demanded the recognition of domestic workers as workers, while seeking protection for them against all types of harassment. It also called for social security and access to benefits for the domestic workers and asked the State Government to include domestic workers in the schedule of employment and thus ensuring minimum wages entitlement. “Domestic Workers are essential workers, they are not carriers of diseases, do not discriminate them,” was the NDWM-Nagaland Region’s stand as they joined the nationwide campaign organized by the National domestic workers platform with its 34 unions.



13 July 2020

Partnership initated with SEWA Kerala in India

Today WSM partnered with SEWA Kerala with Ms Sonia George for a short 6 month pilot project "Undertaking groundwork for the furtherance of organising and developing social security coverage for women workers in the informal sector". With activities like research, advocacy, awareness raising and training, we hope to have as outcomes:
  1. A better understanding of a social security floor for women workers in the informal sector towards policy discussions
  2. Mapping of areas/sectors in which internal migration of women is high in Kerala
  3. A study of the possible mechanisms for the portability of PDS for internal migrant workers
  4. Organising migrant workers through source and destination linkages.
SEWA and the women in the informal sector 
SEWA is a union of women in the informal sector in existence since 1972. This union has been expanding in several states of India and presently covers 17 states. Of the present workforce in India, 93% are in the informal sector and half of these are women who are both vulnerable and, in several ways, invisible. There are no unions that focus on this sector of women who are not only vulnerable but also relegated to a back seat in most union activity in the country. SEWA has tried to make the issues of these women workers visible. The issue of social security cover for such women workers is an area that SEWA would like to focus on in the future.

And in Kerala?
Kerala is one of the older states where SEWA is established. The membership of Kerala is made up of women workers from trades like domestic workers, street vendors, fish vendors, home based workers of different kinds, reed workers and some agricultural workers, SEWA Kerala has been responsible for the sector of domestic workers within the larger SEWA national union. 

SEWA Kerala has around 15.000 members that are domestic workers and 2.000 women street vendors, as well as 3.000 fish workers, which also often double as street vendors. SEWA empowers them to increase their livelihood and food security, by organising them, strengthening their capacities to bargain and facilitating access to seed money.  

Kerala is also a state that receives a lot of women workers coming from other states, a large number of whom are invisible as they work as live in domestic workers where access to social security schemes is complicated for them, because of lack of Kerala documents.

SEWA and domestic workers
As part of this work, SEWA Kerala has been coordinating the National Platform for Domestic Workers, a platform made up of different unions around the country that work with the domestic workers. While focusing on securing a comprehensive legislation for domestic workers in India, the Platform has also been engaging with the labour reforms that the Central Government is seeking to introduce. One of the main issues in the reform is the manner in which the informal workers will have access to social security. While the present draft of the reform bill is to render social security as a welfare measure and that too with minimal coverage, the effort is to work towards securing social security as a right. This is an area in which a large awareness and understanding has to be built.

19 June 2020

ILO Convention 190: One year later....

In June 2019, the ILO adopted the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190) and its supplementing Recommendation (No. 206). Violence and harassment is unacceptable anywhere and at any time, whether in times of prosperity or of crisis. Nevertheless, the risk of violence and harassment is even higher in crises, including during the current COVID-19 outbreak.
To mark the first anniversary of the adoption of both instruments, the ILO will organize a virtual high-level event with the participation of the ILO Director-General, Mr Guy Ryder, to discuss their role in responding and recovering from the current COVID-19 pandemic.

WSM and the members of the network on the right to social protection were strongly invested in the drafting and passing of the ILO Convention 190 regarding Violence and Harassment in the world of work. Today, two members of the ANRSP attended the ILO webinar. Sulistri from KSBSI shared:"Uruguy is the first country which  ratified C190 and Fiji’s ratification has already reached ILO Geneva."
Sr Christy from National Domestic Workers Movement in India added:"ILC190 is even more relevant in COVID-19 pandemic times. Violence against those caring for the sick, disabled and health workers are increasing. There are limited opportunities for trade unions, people's movement and organisations to intervene. We should initiate policy making and awareness raising and it is more important than ever to push governments to ratify and implement the Convention, as C190 protects all range of workers, formal and informal, as well as ethnic groups.

12 May 2020

Domestic workers, health and plants - India in 2019

“My name is Sunanda. I have a sister and also a brother who became handicapped in an accident. I have been working as a domestic worker for 8 years now. For the moment, I only work in two houses, because I’m getting older and I have stomach problems. I didn’t have the courage to speak with my employer about raising my salary or about having any holidays. I was too afraid of losing my job. However, I was interested in exploring new possibilities. In 2011, I attended a meeting of domestic workers in my area. I was impressed, as they were speaking about the rights of domestic workers. After that, I attended the meetings regularly. I became aware of my rights and I had more courage to stand for them. I left my previous job because I didn't get a salary increase. I am no longer afraid of losing my job, since I have many contacts with other domestic workers who can refer me to other and better jobs. What's more: I am the leader of the group now. I mobilize people for meetings, programmes and demonstration and I help the workers with enrolling in the Welfare Board.”
First, NDWM (National Domestic Workers Movement) is working with domestic workers, child domestic workers and migrant workers in 23 states of India. They work towards achieving dignity for them, at both a national and international level. NDWM and its federation NDWF (National Domestic Workers Federation) gather over 50.000 domestic workers monthly. Around 40.406 members were given awareness on labour rights, such as minimum wages.

Another testimony is from Jacinta (42), who is also a domestic worker:
As a single mother, I used to work from morning till night, with a shift from one employers’ house to another and from one locality to another, just to meet the needs of my family. Initially my wage was very low, ranging from 500 INR per month (6 EUR) in each house. But I managed to send my son to school and later, apart from the domestic work, I started my own small business by selling vegetables in the evening. 

I joined the Union and got more confidence to run my own small business. NDWF provided me with a loan of 8.000 INR (nearly 100EUR) to extend my business. I also participated in the skill development training programmes on cooking and in other training and capacity building programmes. My wage has increased and I’m currently working for 5 families with a payment of 10.000 INR monthly (120EUR). Now I’m able to save some money every month, with which I gradually want to build a small house where I can live peacefully with my son”.

In India, the minimum wages for domestic workers are still very low. NDWM has established a forum in which domestic workers can raise their voices to get paid accordingly. If the employers still refuse, the domestic workers show their ‘wage card’. This is a card prepared by NDWM in different states for a better understanding of wages from the employers. However, employers often still fail to pay them enough. Moreover, the unorganized workers have recently fallen out of the minimum wages, as was expressed in the Working People’s Charter. Therefore, the unions have to lobby more rather than perform activities and quick changes in the field. But after three years, the impact of these activities can be noticed: almost 250.000 workers have significantly improved their existing jobs.

WSM also channels funds to the Domestic Workers Movement from Music for Life and the Brussels Region, which has sistered with Chennai, a city in the south. Brussels Region supports the NDWM Tamil Nadu branch in supporting domestic workers and their children who have been evited from the Chennai city center slums and had been relocated 40km away, causing many to lose their jobs and lacking schools.

 Next, access to health is one of the two priority areas for AREDS in the South of India. Medical care is almost entirely privatized in India, which makes health care services very expensive. The average cost of treatment in a private hospital is around 25.850 INR (310 EUR) as compared to 6.120 INR (74 EUR) in a public hospital . That’s why AREDS has been focusing its activities on promoting native medicine practices. Most of the health-related problems in rural areas are common illnesses, like fever, cold, cough, etc. These are curable with native medicines. Many of the herbs and shrubs that grow in villages have medicinal values. These plants can either be used as raw medicine and consumed or they can be cooked along with normal food items. “Above all, people don’t need to spend money for these medicinal plants, as they grow on the fields. But they need to know about the process of making medicinal plants into consumable medicines. That’s why we prepare medicines with native medicinal plants on the one hand and give training on the preparation of medicines with the medicinal plants on the other hand”, said Samy, founder of AREDS.  Almost 30.000 people (80% women) now have better social security coverage or access to health after three years.

Finally, AREDS succeeded to raise awareness on preventive health practices among 4.817 members (61% women and 71% adolescents). Almost 4.500 people attended trainings on the basics of health care (91% women and 66% adolescents). Concerning labour standards, AREDS organized more than 1.704 members of which 74% were women. They gave basic training on labour rights to 577 members and over 1.000 workers underwent training on trade union movement.

These stories illustrate why the WSM India partners focus on a decent living income for the informal sector (such as domestic workers, agricultural workers, etc.).

Over 1 million Indians were reached in 2019:
  • Over 660.000 people (53% women and 44% youth) are more aware of their labour and rights through campaigns and outreach.
  • Trade unions organized over 75.000 workers, 65% women and 40% youth.
  • Over 17.000 people, 88% women and 41% youth, received basic training in labour standards, social security and health. Over 12.000 Indians, 90% women and 40% young workers, received advanced training (of leaders or of Trainers).
  • Over 2.000 workers, almost all women and 38% young workers, benefited from legal assistance for labour rights.
  • Advocacy: Nearly 300.000 people (36% women and 48% young workers) were mobilized at grassroots level (ex. demonstrations, petitions…).
India Partners: CWM-I, AREDS, NDWM, NDWF, CFTUI                Budget 2019: 244.872 €
Donor: DGD, Brussels Region, Province of West Flanders                      Programme: 2017-2021

09 April 2020

India - COVID-19: social protection for all informal workers!

The situation in India is extremely bad for internal migrants and the informal workers WSM partners are working with (domestic workers, daily wage earners, construction workers and agricultural workers). Current lock-down measures in India, which are at the high end of the University of Oxford’s COVID-19 Government Response Stringency Index, have impacted these workers significantly, forcing many of them to return to rural areas. There are no transport facilities and no economic backups to meet their daily needs. Unorganized workers are walking hundreds of kilometers to their homes. Also, the crisis-ridden livelihoods of farmers have been completely ignored. Although the Indian government had announced an aid package for the unorganized and vulnerable, it is still not enough compared to countries that have already provided similar support to the vulnerable.

The WSM India partners hope there will be universal social protection for all and that the vulnerable will receive 20.000INR per month (243 EUR).  AREDS also took the initiative to draft an open letter to the Indian Prime Minister. Staying at home is a luxury for some, but, as is written in the open letter, unorganized workers cannot work from home, nor can they afford to stay home for several days, weeks or months. The unorganized workers staying home means the number of deaths by malnutrition could be higher than the number of deaths by COVID-19. “It’s a good opportunity to re-distribute and show solidarity. Our long pending demands of social protection are more relevant than ever”, said Samy, founder of AREDS. For now, many organizations and movements are demanding pro-active programs. Certain media and political parties have joined in advocating for more concrete actions to halt economic loss for the unorganized.

AREDS also works in the field directly and ensures the payment of certain social protection government schemes (Old age pension, destitute, widow pension, differently-able and orphans) for which they are mandated and commissioned by SBI bank. In the past days, they reached close to 10.000 people in 20 districts in Tamil Nadu. Their staff and volunteers go to the residence of these people who are unable to travel and deliver the schemes through bio-metric procedures. A total of 37.556.500INR (450.155EUR) was distributed to the most vulnerable. From 9th of April, AREDS has the regular 185.000 elderly to reach, for a total amount of 185.000.000INR (2.139.718EUR).
AREDS staff distributing elderly allowances with bio-metric verification

CWM leadership and members also joined the emergency volunteering teams by door-to-door delivery of Government essential goods (sanitizer, mask, food) as well as the 1.000INR relief allocated by the government. Thus, CWM assisted migrants workers from Bihar, Odissa, West Bengal and north eastern states as well as agricultural workers in six districts and construction workers around Trichy and five other districts.
CWM members in volunteer teams

Domestic workers relief packages
 Millions of the Indian domestic workers and members of the National Domestic Workers Movement (NDWM) are affected due to lock-down. Though the Government has instructed the employers not to cut the wage till the lock down is relaxed, it is unclear how many domestic workers will get their wages. Though the Government has announced relief packages, many State Governments still haven’t come out with clear mechanisms on how the relief packages will reach the people, as it can be availed by only  those who have ration cards, so many will be left out of the Government benefits, like senior domestic workers who have no one to help, single head women-widows, deserted and many interstate migrant workers. Even those who have a ration card still need food till they can get the rations. NDWM is identifying the domestic workers who are in need of immediate help and support and are contacting different sources for financial support. The way the situation is evolving, it looks like people will die of hunger before the virus. To avoid this, NDWM has taken the following actions:
  1. Linked up with Voluntary Organisations, Gurudwara, Transgenders group, food banks etc. to distribute food and food to the very poor Domestic Workers. For those who don’t have ration cards, NDWM is distributing our food kits and cooked food. NDWM so far has distributed to 7000 workers in beginning of April.
  2. Appealed to the Chief Ministers, Members of Parliament and Labour department to transfer direct cash to workers enrolled in the Welfare Board
  3. Released Press statement to the media to highlight the plight of Domestic Workers in lockdown. 
  4. Contacted the local rationing officers, District administrators to extend our collaboration to distribute rations
  5. Appealed to them to issue special ID to distribute food materials, which was already obtained in some states
  6. Contacted employers requested not to cut salaries during lock-down
  7. Contacted well-wishers to donate for domestic workers who are in need of urgent support
ILO overview of COVID-19 measures implemented by governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and the ILO for India: link

30 March 2020

India: COVID 19 follow up

We all welcome the India government’s announcement of aid package to the unorganized and vulnerable. It is the result of many organizations and movements, including ours, demanding pro-active programs and help to the unorganized and the most vulnerable. Now the entire media and political parties have joined in advocating for more concrete actions to halt economic loss for the unorganized. The Corona pandemic has shaken the world beyond all predictions and so-called progressive economies have almost come to a standstill, with a lot of uncertainty for the future.
We see a change in the attitude of leaders of fundamentalist parties and rightists who have also started demanding more budget to be allocated to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and the daily wage earners. The unpreparedness and the lack of listening to experts have created more problems for the internal migrants and the vulnerable in India. No transport facilities, no safeguards to make these people get back to their homes and no economic backup to meet their daily needs for food etc. The visuals we see in the news and in social media of police brutality and the type of punishments given to the so-called violators of the curfew is are inhuman and one wonders whether these police have been trained to assist and help or to escalate and cause more pain in already exiting sores. We see unorganized workers walking hundreds of kilometers to their homes. The pandemic has taken away almost all the working possibilities for unorganized and they lack safe shelters and food storages forces them to venture out and risk their lives.

20 June 2019

Domestic workers in India stand up for each other and better working conditions (NDWM/NDWF)

 Rekha, a 34 year old domestic worker was accused of stealing jewelry from an employer she had left a month earlier. After the complaint, she was repeatedly called to the police station and harassed to return the jewelry, though she claimed her innocence. As a member of NDWM, she took the matter up with her trade union and the members drafted filed a complaint against the employer for false allegations. Though initially, the police was reluctant to accept the complaint, they were eventually pressured into recognizing there was no proof for the allegation from the employer. The employer also apologized for acting in haste as it could have endangered the life and work of the domestic worker. – NDWM
The National Domestic Workers Movement (NDWM) and its Federation (NDWF) gather over 50.000 domestic workers monthly in their neighbourhoods to discuss common problems. They learn about their labour rights, agree on common rates but also show solidarity or find legal aid if one of them is facing problems, ranging from unfair dismissals to domestic abuse. Strength comes from unity and they ensure the collective voice of domestic workers is heard by employers and authorities.
This collective voice also matters for policy changes: NDWM and NDWF mobilised over 150.000 domestic workers in 2018 to demand to better wages and social security coverage. The advocacy teams at central and state level also met with 66 Members of Parliaments and 77 officials to elicit support for their cause.

To illustrate some of the achievements regarding domestic workers in 2018:

  • 887 domestic workers received social security and social welfare benefits, with over 3,8 million INR or almost 50.000EUR disbursed.
  • After nearly two decades of persistent campaigning by NDWM and like-minded organisations, the Tamil Nadu Government established a minimum wage for domestic workers. Though this was a great success, the fixed rates were disappointingly low (39INR or 50Eurocent per hour). 
  • Domestic workers are especially vulnerable to abuse by their employers. In an effort to promote zero tolerance for violence at the workplace and at home, several training programmes were conducted in all states about legal remedies and encouraged to voice any problems faced.
  • As alternative income generating activities, cooperatives are still being initiated with the support of NDWM and NDWF in Maharashtra, Bihar, Jharkhand and Tamil Nadu. As this is still a relatively new concept, domestic workers need time and coaching regarding the functioning and benefits of cooperatives.

01 March 2019

India: Draft Social Security Code: what does it mean for unorganized workers and domestic workers

The Indian Government is in the process of replacing 44 labour laws by 4 codes namely Wage Code, Industrial Relations Code, Social Security Code, Occupational Health and Safety Code. All four Codes were meant to simplify the existing Labour laws, but end up watering down workers’ rights, in order to promote ease of doing business. 

The Social Security Code would replace 15 existing Social Security Acts. The main problem for NDWM is that it interferes with all the existing Welfare Boards. There will be only one single Social Security Board for both organized and unorganized workers in every state. This would make the numbers dealt with by this Board huge and very difficult to manage.  Deductions towards the Social security Fund would be 12.5 % from workers and 17.5 % from employers, which would seriously affect unorganized labour. 

28 September 2018

Brussels region sisters with Chennai, India and supports domestic workers there

Today, overlooking a gorgeous view of Brussels, our delegation composed out of Sr Vallar from Chennai and Sr Jeanne Devos from NDWM signed the agreement between WSM and NDWM to start a project supported by the Brussels Region. Hosted by State Secretary of Brussels Capital Region Bianca Debaets, this project of two years will be supporting the work done by the National Domestic Workers Movement in Chennai and Tamil Nadu to improve rights and skills of domestic workers. During the visit, Sr Vallar explained that even though the Tamil Nadu government, after decades of lobbying, finally adopted a minimum wage for domestic workers, it was at the rate of 37 INR per hour or 43 eurocent, which was the rate demanded by NDWM... in 2010, so hopelessly insufficient for domestic workers to live on! 

From right to left: Francina Varghese, Jeroen Roskams  and Bruno Deceukelier (WSM), with Sister Vallar and Sr Jeanne Devos (NDWM), with from the Brussels Region Ms Bianca Debaets and Emmanuel Boodts and Pieter-Jan Mattheus, Regional Secretary from Beweging
As comparison, neighboring state Kerala placed the minimum wage at 137INR, or 1,6€. While it is a good thing there is finally a minimum adopted and a mechanism to punish employers who don't respect this, this low rate might even turn out to be counterproductive, as employers paying more might feel they can now offer less. In short, still a lot of work to do, but NDWM feels up to the task, now also with this first ever project with the Brussels Region!

22 August 2018

Tamil Nadu Govt Sets Rs 37/Hr Minimum Wage For Domestic Workers, 7 Yrs Of Jail For Paying Less

The Tamil Nadu government in southern India has fixed minimum monthly wages for domestic workers in a recently released notification. The issued notification recognises skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled domestic workers. It is a big step by the state government as a part of Labour Reforms which aimed at setting guidelines for the unorganised sector. There should not be any distinction between the wages of a male and a female worker.

The notification is based on the recommendations made by an eight-member committee, headed by the Deputy Commissioner of Labour of Coimbatore. The committee had meetings with labour inspectors, domestic workers union and employers to understand their needs.

Any violation of the notification can land into punishment of up to seven years imprisonment with fine.

While this is an important step forward, a national policy is needed for the safety of domestic workers which would ensure their overall well being which includes health, education of their children etc. The Ministry of Labour has been working on a policy for domestic workers since last three years.

02 August 2018

Domestic Workers mobilised in India, speaking out against Labour Code

The Indian National Platform for Domestic Workers (NPDW), a networking body with NDWM and NDWF as members, organised a public event on 2 August in Delhi to demand the Government of India to enact a National Legislation for domestic workers and to withdraw the Labour Codes which are not labour friendly. This event consisted of a rally and public programme in which six Members of Parliament addressed the participants.

To create awareness about the Labour Code and to seek public support, NDWM and NDWF launched a signature campaign on 1st of May and managed to collect 150,000 signatures from 16 States, also with the help of the other WSM India partners. These signatures were submitted to the Prime Minister and the Labour department on 2nd of August.

To raise awareness and public support, posters were displayed in slums and public places. NDWM organised press conferences in 14 States, leading to wide media coverage. The NDWM advocacy team met around 20 members of Parliament to invite them for the rally (30th of July till 1st of August), some of whom endorsed the petition of the NPDW, as well as prominent leaders like Shri. Sitaram Yechuri and Shri. Rahul Gandhi.

16 April 2018

Brussels Secretary of State visits movement for domestic workers in India

Last Monday, April 16, the National Movement for Domestic Workers (NDWM) in India, a partner organization of World Solidarity, received the visit from Brussels Secretary of State Bianca Debaets. The state secretary was in Chennai, capital of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, as it has become one of the priority countries for Brussels development cooperation.

After the visit of King Filip and Queen Mathilde in November 2017, it is the second time in just half a year that the National Domestic Workers Movement (NDWM) receives such esteemed visit from Belgium. NDWM was founded in 1985 by the Belgian sister Jeanne Devos and has, for many years now with the support of World Solidarity, committed itself to improving the fate of the millions of domestic servants in India. It is a group of mainly women and children from the more marginalized communities of Indian society who work as domestic workers. The majority of them are Dalits or untouchables, mostly illiterate or with a low level of education, and work long days for very low wages in poor working conditions. Because domestic work still takes place in the informal economy, many are exposed to various forms of exploitation and discrimination, even sexual intimidation.

State Secretary Debaets was shown around the families of domestic servants living in the  Perumbakkam district. In recent months, some 14,000 families were forcibly moved here from the slums in the center of the city. Because of the move, the housekeepers have to cover a much greater distance to work and pay higher transport costs, while the children are left alone at home in the evening. Under the expert guidance of Sister Valar, NDWM in Chennai makes householders and their children aware of their rights towards their employers, their right to a decent wage and social protection. Sister Valar says: "By pointing out their rights, we want to make them more assertive and resilient, so that they are less vulnerable to abuses in the households where they will work. We also provide training to teach their technical skills as a domestic servant. In addition, we would like to offer an alternative income to the single mothers by giving them the opportunity to start up a small shop in the neighborhood". The Secretary of State, impressed by the solidarity between the home workers, emphasized the importance of good education for the children and the need for a more respectful attitude towards women, who are often victims of domestic violence in Chennai.

12 October 2017

2014-2016 impact: Illustration Social Security: India: NDWM's strategy to distribute pending social pensions

Kerala: campaign organized at Secretariat in the capital has resulted in the decision of Govt. to distribute the pending social pensions to the Domestic Workers. The campaign was a result of joint discussions of the domestic workers in the regional level meeting. The group has identified that the campaign as a strategy to fight for their rights.

Jharkhand: We have been working on the themes of Labour Rights and Social Protection in the past years through the WSM program. Both these themes are very relevant to our situation in India as a whole. During the last WSM program (pre-2014) we in Jharkhand first worked on the theme of labour rights and through different means and strategies got the Department of Labour to fix the wages for domestic workers. This was a success. Then we took up the issue of social protection. For almost two years along with our leaders we met the concerned Ministers and Government officials a number of times and requested them to implement the Social Security Act, but all in vain. Then in the end of 2012 we filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the High Court of Jharkhand requesting the Court to intervene in this matter.

The year 2014 is special for us as the High Court gave a positive verdict on our behalf and gave clear directions to the Government to take steps implement the Act. This implies that the Government has no choice but to implement the Act in its true sense. For NDWM it is an achievement, because, the State was very cool about the social protection issues and now is forced to act, otherwise the petitioner, that is, NDWM can file a contempt of Court petition in the same court.
This implies that more than 90% of the total workforce in Jharkhand State including domestic workers will now not be turned down but be enrolled into welfare Boards and be able to avail the existing schemes on social protection. We will be closely monitoring the activities of the Government in this regard so that we can bring to the notice of the court if any negligence is shown by the Government.

Thus the target before us for 2015 and the years to come is to ensure that social protection becomes a reality, that aged workers can live in dignity, health is ensured, education of the children is guaranteed, dignified housing and other benefits are made available to the informal workers.

2014-2016 impact: illutsration labour rights: India child domestic worker

Rashmi, age 17, is from Teklapada village in West Bengal, India. She was working as a domestic worker from the age of 8 in Athelbadi, West Bengal. After three years (probably in 2007) the employers took her to Patna Bihar. From then onward, she was neither allowed to talk to her parents, nor meet them. She used to do all kinds of household chores, like cooking, cleaning vessels, washing clothes, taking care of the children etc. When the employers called, she had to be there, if not, they used to beat her. One of her teeth is even broken. In spite of her hard work, they used to abuse her physically, verbally and mentally. She was confined to the house for so many long years that she wanted to go home very badly.

Rally organized by NDWM against Child Labour
In August 2014, she met a domestic worker working in the same apartment, who was affiliated to NDWM Bihar. She encouraged Rashmi to escape and put her in touch with NDWM. On 21st September early in the morning, Rashmi reached the office. The NDWM staff took the case to the Inspector General of Weaker Section, Bihar who directed the case to SC/ST Police, which contacted the employers. After five days of discussion and pressure, the employer agreed to pay half of her total salary and eventually, she received 150,000INR or nearly 2.000EUR. The employers also revealed the identity of the agent who had placed Rashmi and thus she could get back in touch with her mother. The people from Rashmi's village thought that she had died, but today, Rashmi is back home with her mother, happy with her family and relatives.

Through National Domestic Workers' Movement, India

2014-2016 impact: Social economy illustration: Cooperative of domestic workers

The National Domestic Workers Federation (NDWF) in India started up an innovative project to organize domestic workers into cooperatives with the assistance of ILO. Though currently piloted only in Jharkand, one of the Indian states, 132 domestic workers bought into a newly created cooperative by buying 300 shares at 1,5€ a piece. Once joined, this cooperative trained the members, all women domestic workers and jointly, they drafted a standard two page contract which specifies their working conditions. This is a procedure almost unheard of, as hardly any domestic workers have specific or explicit contracts, let alone written ones. They approached their employers and 51 of them agreed to sign, which meant the domestic workers had guaranteed advantages, like one paid leave day per week, maternity leave, fixed salary etc. The employer also agrees that an additional 5% to the salary is contributed for social security, which the cooperative organizes for all members, enrolling them in welfare boards, paying health insurances, contributing to pension schemes etc. Next to that, the cooperative can also make loans to its members or start producing food items to sell, of which the proceeds would go to the cooperative and be shared among the members as shareholders.

16 June 2017

16 June: International Domestic Workers Day

On 16 June 2011, the world celebrated the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (ILO Convention No. 189). Convention No. 189 was an historic  victory that recognized domestic workers as workers like any other. Since then, 70 countries have taken measures to adopt or reform law and policy, including 24 countries that have ratified Convention No. 189.

The sector is yet again on the cusp of major change, as governments prepare to negotiate global compacts on migration and refugees with the objective of developing a framework for comprehensive international cooperation on human mobility and refugee response by July 2018.