Follow a day in the lives of two paramedics from Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK) in Bangladesh.
From the early morning on the GK campus in Savar, their day starts with the community work done in the fields by all GK staff. Then they get dressed for work and their visits, have breakfast and set out on their iconic bicycles, after receiving their assignments.
Most elderly people are not economically solvent and depend on their family or relatives. Many elderly also have various kind of illnesses and aches. GK provides primary care services for the elderly at their doorstep, services such as: checking blood pressure, personal hygiene, nail cutting, etc. Those cases needing more attention are brought to the GK hospitals, for services like physiotherapy, or prescribing affordable medication if necessary.
All this is done for GK with a rights based approach, since elderly have equal right for health care services.
From the early morning on the GK campus in Savar, their day starts with the community work done in the fields by all GK staff. Then they get dressed for work and their visits, have breakfast and set out on their iconic bicycles, after receiving their assignments.
Most elderly people are not economically solvent and depend on their family or relatives. Many elderly also have various kind of illnesses and aches. GK provides primary care services for the elderly at their doorstep, services such as: checking blood pressure, personal hygiene, nail cutting, etc. Those cases needing more attention are brought to the GK hospitals, for services like physiotherapy, or prescribing affordable medication if necessary.
All this is done for GK with a rights based approach, since elderly have equal right for health care services.