About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.

29 November 2023

Strength in numbers: some results of partners in India during 2023

Labour rights: 639.813 people, of which 64% women and 37% younger than 35 years, were reached through actions focussing on ensuring existing labour rights or developing new labour standards: 

  • 536.302 workers (64% women and 37% youth) were made more aware of their labour rights through campaigning and outreach. 
  • The partner organizations have organized 71.081 workers, of which 97% women and 30% youth. 
  • 33.049 people, of which 94% women and 34% youth received basic training, while 4.859 workers and union leaders (90% women and 43% youth) received advanced training. 
  • 14.107 workers, of which 95% women and 24% youth, benefitted from some kind of individualized support or advice from the partner organizations. 

Over 150.000 people (46% women and 39% youth) were mobilized at grassroots level (ex. demonstrations, petitions…) for advocacy and to meet policy makers.

Social security: 93.904 people, of which 61% women and 33% younger than 35 years, were reached through actions focussing on giving access to better social security.  58.168 people were reached through awareness raising activities (60% women and 25% men), while 13.681 received basic training (97% women and 24% youth) and 728 people received advanced training (45% women and 16% youth). The partner organizations gave legal assistance and support to some 21.082 workers (99% women and 36% youth) and reached out to 245 policy makers.

Healthcare: overall, 9.539 people were reached during actions to improve awareness on health practices and how to use native medical practices and medicines.

In 2023, all WSM partner organisations jointly organised and participated in 9 State and national level events focusing on ensuring and including health insurance (ESI) for informal workers in the Social Protection Scheme and inclusion of Domestic workers in Informal Sector. A total of 4950 workers (37% women, 18% under 35 years old) actively participated in these mobilization efforts.

The collective efforts of WSM partner organizations have paved the way for getting attention by the authorities for the inclusion of social protection and the health insurance ESI for informal workers and recognise domestic workers contribution for economic development of the country and include them under informal sector. By advocating for health insurance coverage and the inclusion of domestic workers, they have voiced critical issues to the State Government.

India context in 2023: women, health and agriculture

Women’s Right 

The Women’s Reservation Act, 2023 (also known as the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam) is a historic step towards gender equality in Indian politics. It reserves one-third of all seats in the Lok Sabha, State legislative assemblies, and the Legislative Assembly of the National Capital Territory of Delhi for women. This includes seats reserved for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) as well. The proposed legislation aims to continue this reservation for 15 years.

Health Policies

The Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) is a significant component of the Ayushman Bharat initiative launched by the Government of India. A flagship scheme aimed at achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in India. It moves away from a fragmented approach to health service delivery and focuses on comprehensive, need-based healthcare. It provides cashless and paperless health insurance for secondary and tertiary care across public and private empanelled hospitals in India. PM-JAY is a crucial step toward ensuring affordable and accessible healthcare for millions of Indians, reducing out-of-pocket expenses and improving health outcomes.

New policies in Agricultural Sector

The new agriculture policy of the Indian Government aimed to promote growth in the Indian economy by focusing on increasing agricultural productivity, encouraging the adoption of modern agricultural practices, and promoting value addition in the agricultural value chain.

15 November 2023

Fading flowers? No, facing the world! AREDS, India, 2023

I’m Shanmuga, an 17-year-old girl who’s been through quite a journey. Life wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine for me. Irregular periods, loss of appetite, tiredness, hair falling out like autumn leaves, and a constant feeling of fatigue. Yep, that was my life. Anaemia had me in its grip, and it wasn’t letting go. But that wasn’t the worst part. Every time I saw another girl my age, I felt like a drooping flower next to a glowing bloom. My self-esteem? Well, it was buried somewhere deep, along with my energy.

Here enters the AREDS Health Team. They didn’t just throw medical jargon at me; they built a bridge of trust. Slowly, I spilled my worries—the irregular cycles, the hair loss, the whole shebang. And guess what? They didn’t judge. Instead, they handed me a lifeline. “Shanmuga,” they said, “meet your new best friends: bitter gourd, beetroot, turkey berry, pomegranate, dates, gooseberry, curry leaf, and jaggery.” Iron-rich foods became my daily companions. I chomped down on them like a hungry squirrel. And you know what? It worked! Six months of commitment, and my body thanked me. My menstrual cycle decided to play nice, anxiety took a vacation, and my hair even stopped its escape act.

Now, I’m not saying I turned into a superhero overnight. But I did feel lighter—physically and mentally. No more hiding in the shadows. I could face the world, chat with friends and neighbours. Plus, my parents didn’t need to mortgage the house for doctor visits. Bonus!

So here I am, an 17-year-old with a renewed spirit. Anaemia? It’s still there, but it’s no longer the boss of me. I’ve got my iron-packed squad, and we’re rocking this health thing. If you see a girl with a spring in her step, that’s probably me. And hey, if you’re dealing with your own struggles, remember: You’re not alone. There’s always a way to bloom, even in the toughest soil.

01 November 2023

Strength in numbers - Achieved by partners in Indonesia in 2023

 Labour rights: More than 90.070 workers, of which 43% women and 25% younger than 35 years old, benefitted from activities pursuing more awareness, a better understanding and knowledge of the regulation on the wage structure and scale, on the Job Creation Law and its impact on workers, on how to negotiate CBA’s and MoU’s, on how to prevent and deal with gender-based violence at the shop floor. In several companies CBA proposals were drafted or agreements were concluded and signed. 

Social security: 62.469 people, of which 30% women and 11% younger than 35 years, were reached through actions focussing on giving access to better social security. 

INSP!R Indonesia mobilised 1766 of its members (81% women, 41 under 35 y/o) to advocate during the drafting of two new regulations regarding health and SP for migrant workers, as well as on adaptive social protection and other social protection issues. INSP!R Indonesia also raised the awareness of 5.140 people on these matters through leaflets and videos (accessible to people with disabilities).

Since 2023 was an election year, INSP!R Indonesia analysed the positions of the various candidates on social protection and submitted policy recommendations to 19 policy makers.

Indonesian context in 2023 related to social protection and INSP!R network issues

At the end of December 2022, President Joko Widodo issued an emergency regulation on Job Creation to replace the Omnibus Law, with the reason of addressing global recession risks in 2023 and for attracting more foreign investment at the expense of workers’ rights. The Indonesian Unions rejected the new regulation as some provisions in the regulation have given governors discretionary power to determine the minimum wage, affect outsourcing, severance pay, recruitment of foreign workers and criminal sanctions against employers which will impact workers.

Seeing the shrinking of democratic space in the region, many trade unions and civil society organizations are trying to defend and reclaim their democratic space. 

A new Health Law came into force in Indonesia on 8 August 2023. The new law (Law No.17 of 2023 on Health) (Health Law) holds monumental implications for the development and transformation of Indonesia's health care system. The Health Bill not only potentially deprives people of their health rights but also threatens public safety.

WSM was able to initiate and facilitate the creation of a new platform: the Global Union Indonesia Network, to unite the affiliates of the International Trade Union Confederation and Global Federations in Asia with National Trade Unions centres in Indonesia as one of the best practice of building unity. The platform has been successfully placing the controversial Indonesia’ Law on Job Creation on the short list of cases of non-compliance for the ILO Convention nr. 98 on Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. The report of the ILO Committee on the Application of Standards concluded that the Job Creation Law is in non-compliance with the ILO C.98 and therefore the ILO CAS recommended the government of Indonesia to reform the Labor Law with focus on the Job Creation Law by having a proper and a time-bound dialogue with the most representative unions in Indonesia. As a lesson learned: with openness and cooperation, we are able to unite in one platform the majority of national trade union centres, including some of the labour NGOs and solidarity support organizations.

Wheels in motion: the Belgian ambassador visits an Indonesian tyre factory

The Belgian Ambassador in Jakarta and the DGD went to Elang Perdana Tyre Industry and its local union affiliated to LOMENIK federation, part of WSM's partner KSBSI.

This company is currently in its 8th Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and has a zero-tolerance policy for gender harassment. They’ve established a wage structure and other measures for worker well-being. As part of the supply chain exporting to Europe, they follow relevant HRDD legislation. Most workers are permanent, and good working conditions result from constructive social dialogue.

The company, founded in 1997 with new Indonesian management in 2003, is gradually expanding. Despite pandemic challenges, they export 70% of their production to 85 countries while adhering to quality standards. The Trade union, with 1,600 members (only 8 women) out of 1,900 workers (70 women), focuses on welfare, occupational health and safety (OHS), and social security (SS). They compete with Chinese manufacturers, which limits their offerings.

An OHS committee ensures safety, with a program of 1,000 accident-free days and locally available ambulances. Training has improved knowledge and practices. Legal assistance was provided during a dismissal case. In future CBA negotiations, they aim for better allowances. However, since the 2017 government regulation on wage scales, salary negotiations at the company level are restricted. They hope for legal amendments to allow negotiation flexibility.

A blind woman gets new inspiring insights - INSP!R Indonesia 2023

Rina is 47, from Indonesia and a member of the Indonesian Association of Women with Disabilities (HWDI), member of INSP!R Indonesia:
 “As someone with a disability, INSP!R Indonesia has given me new insights. Before, I mostly talked to other disabled people. But with INSP!R Indonesia, I learned that many organizations discuss disability issues, especially social security rights. I work in a hotel and know about social security, but many of my disabled friends don’t. Some can’t hear or speak, and few go to school. 

I hope INSP!R Indonesia can create schools for people with disabilities. Education is essential not only for disabled kids but also for their parents to understand its importance. With support, people with disabilities can be independent.”