About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.

15 November 2023

Fading flowers? No, facing the world! AREDS, India, 2023

I’m Shanmuga, an 17-year-old girl who’s been through quite a journey. Life wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine for me. Irregular periods, loss of appetite, tiredness, hair falling out like autumn leaves, and a constant feeling of fatigue. Yep, that was my life. Anaemia had me in its grip, and it wasn’t letting go. But that wasn’t the worst part. Every time I saw another girl my age, I felt like a drooping flower next to a glowing bloom. My self-esteem? Well, it was buried somewhere deep, along with my energy.

Here enters the AREDS Health Team. They didn’t just throw medical jargon at me; they built a bridge of trust. Slowly, I spilled my worries—the irregular cycles, the hair loss, the whole shebang. And guess what? They didn’t judge. Instead, they handed me a lifeline. “Shanmuga,” they said, “meet your new best friends: bitter gourd, beetroot, turkey berry, pomegranate, dates, gooseberry, curry leaf, and jaggery.” Iron-rich foods became my daily companions. I chomped down on them like a hungry squirrel. And you know what? It worked! Six months of commitment, and my body thanked me. My menstrual cycle decided to play nice, anxiety took a vacation, and my hair even stopped its escape act.

Now, I’m not saying I turned into a superhero overnight. But I did feel lighter—physically and mentally. No more hiding in the shadows. I could face the world, chat with friends and neighbours. Plus, my parents didn’t need to mortgage the house for doctor visits. Bonus!

So here I am, an 17-year-old with a renewed spirit. Anaemia? It’s still there, but it’s no longer the boss of me. I’ve got my iron-packed squad, and we’re rocking this health thing. If you see a girl with a spring in her step, that’s probably me. And hey, if you’re dealing with your own struggles, remember: You’re not alone. There’s always a way to bloom, even in the toughest soil.

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