About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.

31 December 2022

What INSP!Ring happened in Nepal in 2022?

Two major regulations were passed or published by the Nepali government regarding social protection for which CSOs and  trade unions had been advocated since several years:

1. the working procedures and guidelines for the Social Security Fund, that allow to enroll informal, self-employed as well as labour migrants. Pilot project under the SSF targets 4 sectors: transport, construction, home based, agricultural. These would be funded by contributions for the informal workers by contributing 11% of the salary from workers and 9,37% from the government. From April 2023, the guidelines also will include migrant workers. Trade union advocacy was very instrumental in achieving this result. They had consistently called for the inclusion of all workers under the Social Security Fund (SSF) since it launched in 2017.  On Nepal Social Security Day (27 November 2022), Nepali trade unions announced their goal of enrolling 2 million people over the next four years. 

2. the Integrated Social Protection Framework was formalized by the Nepal Planning Commission but is yet to be endorsed by the Cabinet. 

Some results of INSP!R NEPAL...

National level: The work of INSP!R Nepal and the other efforts by UNICEF and ILO Nepal contributed to a total of 386.695 workers registered end of 2022 with the Social Security Fund (SSF) and 17.581 employers. Compared to the 2019 baseline of the project with only 147.643 employees, this is a 160% increase and with 12.157 employers, an increase by 45%. Over 185 million € in contributions had been collected. 

Learning: In 2022, 76 CSOs and trade union leaders were trained to promote social protection, including through steering committee meetings. Over 81 policy makers were met and over 4.182 CSOs and trade union members showed their public support for 15 policy documents and position papers, as well as one research for better social protection and public finance management. Through traditional and social media over 725.000 citizens were made more aware of social protection schemes with a right-based approach. 

In October, a cross-country learning exchange was organized between Cambodia, where Oxfam facilitates a similar network of SP4ALL, and ten members from INSP!R Nepal on how to build inclusive national networks advocating for social protection floors and Public Finance Management.

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