About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.

16 June 2017

16 June: International Domestic Workers Day

On 16 June 2011, the world celebrated the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (ILO Convention No. 189). Convention No. 189 was an historic  victory that recognized domestic workers as workers like any other. Since then, 70 countries have taken measures to adopt or reform law and policy, including 24 countries that have ratified Convention No. 189.

The sector is yet again on the cusp of major change, as governments prepare to negotiate global compacts on migration and refugees with the objective of developing a framework for comprehensive international cooperation on human mobility and refugee response by July 2018.

30 May 2017

ILO Regional Seminar on Strengthening Governance in EPZs/ GSCs through promoting GFA and other instruments, 29-31 May 2017, Jakarta – Indonesia

The ILO Bureau for Workers' Activities organized a Regional Seminar on Strengthening Governance in Export Processing Zones/ Global Supply Chain through promoting Global Framework Agreements and other instruments, from 29-31 May 2017 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Seminar is a follow up to the Resolution and Conclusions of the 105th Session of the ILC on Decent Work in Global Supply Chain, as well as to the Bali Declaration of the APRM. The Seminar will provide input for the ILO Governing Body Decision in November 2017 to follow up the Resolution concerning the ILO Program of Action 2017-2021 on Decent Work in Global Supply Chains, especially to identify possible actions to promote decent work and protection of fundamental principles and rights at work for workers in export processing zones (EPZs) through organizing and collective Bargaining.   According to the ILO, the number of people employed in global supply chain (GSC) related jobs increased over the past decade from 296 million in 1995 to 453 million in 2013 in 40 advanced and emerging economies.

23 May 2017

Indonesia civil society meet with European Parliamentarians regarding economic partnership

KSBSI was invited to participate in the Civil Society Organizations meeting with 6 Members of the European Parliament belonging to the International Trade Committee (INTA) on 23 May 2017 at the European building in Jakarta, Indonesia to hear the position of CSO regarding EU-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA).

The meeting was organized around 2 questions:
  1. Domestic perspectives on achievements, challenges and opportunities for the development of sustainable Palm Oil production (or other critical sectors) in Indonesia: social, economic, environment (deforestation, GH emissions, biodiversity, POME) and governance;
  2. International synergies, how it will be discussed, policy dialogue and EU capacities best support to such developments in a 2020-2030 perspective.

28 April 2017

Andre Kiekens, the SG of WSM talks about OHS in Nepal

Andre Kiekens, General Secretary of World Solidarity visited Nepal and the partners there. On the 28th of April, during the International Occupation Health and Safety Day, he made the following speech at meetings of NTUC and GEFONT.

It’s an honor for me to participate in this event regarding Occupational Safety and Health in Kathmandu. It is the first time that I have the opportunity to be in your nice country and this happening of your trade unions.
World Solidarity is the NGO of the Workers’ movement in Belgium and is proud to support the work of our Nepali friends on this important issue, through our partnership with these strong social movements.
That is also the reason why we give attention to this topic within the synergy programme of your organizations. Health and safety at work is really important everywhere in the world, which is why today, it is the International Day on Occupational Safety and Health. But in the context of Nepal, it is particularly needed, because there are a lot of challenges linked to this issue.
As you know, World Solidarity focuses on the issue of the “Right to Social Protection” and Social Protection has many dimensions. But a good social protection starts with good working conditions. Work is the base for a better life and cannot be the cause of diseases or illness. 
A few days ago we also remembered the catastrophe of Rana Plaza, which highlighted the working conditions of the garment sector in Bangladesh. This catastrophe shocked the world and raised awareness about the importance of safety and health as a real problem in the supply chain in Asia. Today, we can also refer to the same problems in working conditions in Qatar and the labour migrants.  In Europe, we are organizing campaigns to tackle these problems together with you.
I take this opportunity to congratulate your union for the very important role you are playing in the construction for a better, more equal, safe and democratic society in Nepal.
Trade unions have taken their responsibilities in the new constitution drafting, now, the draft labour law and the universal social security bill are on the agenda.
After that, implementation of these legislations will also be demanding and a tough and long process, which will require the involvement of all sectors and their companies. This is really an amazing structural route. We admire that the unions try to do this in unity. This synergy is making our voice so much stronger!
It is a good strategy for everywhere but it is even more important in a country where recently, political and social conflicts were so present.  You as actors of social dialogue and social protection are actors of peace. That’s also why WSM is ready to support your work with a new programme of collaboration for the next five years. This is not only about funding, but is also a commitment for exchanging ideas and capacity building based on shared values.
That’s also why a few months ago, we invited the leaders of the 3 ITUC affiliates (GEFONT, NTUC and ANTUF) to Brussels in November 2016 to share experiences. So our guests had the opportunity to share ideas and strategies and to learn from each other and the Belgian unions. As you can see, we are brothers in the same fight. And as your slogan, we should remember the victims together and fight for the living!
Solidarity greetings from the workers in Belgium and lots of courage and good luck with your important mission.

AMRC: Let’s push the governments and relevant organizations for the collection of reliable OSH data for sustainable action

International Workers' Memorial Day takes place annually around the world on April 28 as a day of remembrance and action for workers killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work.

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), across the world:
- Each year, more than two million men and women die as a result of work-related accidents and diseases
- Workers suffer approximately 270 million accidents each year, and fall victim to some 160 million incidents of work-related illnesses
- Hazardous substances kill 440,000 workers annually – asbestos claims 100,000 lives
- One worker dies every 15 seconds worldwide. 6,000 workers die every day. More people die whilst at work than those fighting wars.
 However, the above-mentioned data are years old and not being updated on a regular basis due to challenges associated with occupational safety and health (OSH) data collection in many countries of the world particularly in the Asia and Pacific region.

24 April 2017

NGWF: 4th Anniversary of Rana Plaza: ‘Zero Tolerance’ regarding workers safety

Leaders of National Garment Workers Federation have vowed saying, “We will not let occur anymore tragic accident like Rana Plaza in Bangladesh. We will follow ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy regarding Garment workers safety. There will be no compromise in this matter.”National Garment Workers Federation (NGWF) leaders said this at ‘A lighting of 50 beacons of life by 50 orphans’ program organized to mark the 4th anniversary of Rana Plaza tragedy in front of the National Press Club in Dhaka city.

The 50 orphans have lighted equal number of lamps; they lost their parents in Rana Plaza accident that took place on April 24, 2013. They lightened the lamps at 9:15am on the occasion. The 8-story Rana Plaza located at Savar, about 30 kilometers away from the capital Dhaka, at about 9:00am on the fateful day when more than 5000 workers were working in 5 Garment factories inside the building. About 1138 workers, mostly women, lost their lives in the accident, which injured over 2500 workers. This tragedy is treated globally as the biggest industrial accident in the world in 100 years.

President of NGWF Amirul Haque Amin presided over the program. At the beginning of the program, the participants paid rich tribute & respect to the martyrs & victim and mourn their tragedy. They prayed for the departed souls and injured workers of Rana Plaza. President of the ceremony paid gratitude to the Garment workers of Bangladesh, Garment Trade Unions, International Trade Unions and Workers’ rights organizations for extending support for realizing compensation for the dead & injured victims of the tragedy and their family.

The program was addressed by, among others, NGWF General Secretary Mrs Arifa Akhtar & Central committee leaders Md. Faruq Khan, Mrs Aleya Begum, Kabir Hossain, Rafiqul Islam Rafique, Foridul Islam, Humayun Kabir, Mrs Sweety Sultana, H Robiul Chowdhury, Miss Esrat Jahan Ela, Bacchu Mia, Mrs Parvin Akhter, Md. Kasem.

While  delivering  presidential  speech  NGWF  President  Amirul  Haque  Amin appealed to the Government, Trade union bodies, BGMEA-BKMEA, Brands (ACCORD & Alliance) to undertake joint initiatives to prevent a repetition of tragedies like Rana Plaza and Tazreen Tragedies and to compensate the victim workers as per ‘Loss of earnings’(& 500.000Taka for ‘Pain & sufferings as per ILO Convention 121), as well as providing and short and long term medical support.

Amin also urged all concerned to provide long-term advanced and free Medicare support to the injured workers of both Rana Plaza and Tazreen.

18 April 2017

ITUC Calls for Asbestos Trade Crackdown

Brussels, 13 April 2017 (ITUC OnLine): The ITUC has called for international action to stop the trade in chrysotile asbestos, a toxic form of the mineral which is still being exported, including to developing countries.  A key step would be for chrysotile to be included on the list of substances under the Rotterdam Convention on trade in hazardous substances.  Trade unions and many governments will be pushing for the listing at the next international Rotterdam Convention conference in Geneva starting on 24 April.

14 April 2017

NGWF: Ananta workers’ movement prevents repetition of Rana Plaza tragedy in Dhaka

The workers of Ananta Fashion & Ananta Apparels Ltd, two garment factories housed at same building in Dhaka metropolitan city, resisted repetition of another Rana Plaza tragedy through united movement following partial collapse of the building recently under the leadership of the NGWF along with their factory union.

Security guardrooms at the ground floor of 15-the storied Ananta Plaza, which houses both factories, collapsed on April 5, 2017 at about 5pm, when about 3.000 workers, mostly women, were still producing RMG products inside the building, giving in to big earth-hole created due to pressure of a massive excavation of immediately adjacent land.

30 March 2017

Sign the petition for clean (sports) clothes

The #cleanekleren campaign starts close to home. We engage in a constructive dialogue with Belgian sports brands, strengthened by athletes who indeed care how our clothes are made. But it can succeed only with your help! Therefore, just as Philippe Gilbert, sign our petition! It is a small effort, but one that can have a huge impact so sign #cleanekleren. The more signatures, the more Belgian sport brands and retailers know consumers care about the working conditions in which our clothes are made!

Paths to Human Economy

At a time when globalization has pervaded into the nerves and veins of the economy of each country and of the social life of every nation, the very idea of social development, economic progress and cultural growth cannot exist in isolation. All developed and developing countries are interdependent in achieving social development and economic progress. No nation could exist and get going by ignoring the welfare of the people of other nations. In the present context, we cannot accomplish social-politico-economic-cultural development by excluding nations or human races.  At the same time, each of the nations has to recognize the uniqueness of other because each nation and each race follows diverse paths of development.

Economy is not only centered on money but also on humanism. Hence, the development of a nation, now, depends on the development of other nations that are the lings in the chain of globalization. Each nation has to stride towards development by holding its hands with the partners nation or nations. One cannot rush forward leaving the others stay behind. We have to achieve economic development interdependently and help each other follow the Paths of Human Economy.

DCLI a Network of Human Economy have published a book ‘The Paths of Human Economy’ which is based on the findings and empirical evidences of the study undertook by DCLI on the human centered economy for more than two years. L.A.Samy of Asia, Yves Berthelot of Europe, Andres Lalanne of Latin America and Lily Razafimbelo of Africa have written this book together and the prefaces is written by Kofi Annan, d’Enrique Iglesias and Christiane Hessel. This book will, for sure, give you an insight to probe the present economy that overrules us in our respective countries. The work is not just a thesis nor a theory but an invitation to join in the network of Human economy whereever we are and involve in your own way to foster this.  The book is available with the publishers and you can get it online.

Links: FlipkartAmazonwebsite

12 March 2017

Nepal: trade unions fight for full service charge to go to workers

Major Trade Unions of Nepal expressed their solidarity to the Hotel and Tourism sector workers' demand regarding the 10 % service charge. Several social dialogues meetings took place between the Employers’, represented in the Hotel Association Nepal (HAN) and the Nepal Tourism and Hotel Labourers’ Union Association from NTUC, GEFONT and ANTUF to resolve the issue but to date, the debate continues.

The major three tourism and hotel Workers unions demand the staff should get the entire amount collected in the service charge. The service charge collected from customers is currently divided between employees and the management: as per the first agreement signed in 2006, employees are getting 68 percent, while management gets 32 percent. A joint struggle committee of the associations has also been established to resolve the problem but was not heard. The service charge collection was made mandatory 12 years ago.
Mr. Khemraj Khadka, President, Nepal Tourism, Hotel, Casino and Restaurant Workers Union (NTHCRWU- a pioneer affiliated national union to NTUC and IUF internationally) accused the HAN officials of not respecting the initial agreement. There was a 20 points agreement between workers and HAN officials where they agreed to set up a task force to monitor and review the service charge every three years but not a single meeting was held.  
When we made the agreement, we were very new in the practice of service charge in Nepal, but there is an international practice of taking 2-15%. Giving 32 % to management is an injustice towards the workers, now our demand is to implement 100 % service charge to the worker” Khada said.

06 March 2017

Address the missing link in ASEAN integration: Realize people’s agenda for a Social ASEAN.

Statement of Civil Society, Trade Unions, Migrants, and Parliamentarians in Southeast Asia
to the 22nd Senior Officials Meeting of the ASCC and the 17th ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Council Meeting

On 6-9 March 2017, ASEAN Senior Officials and Ministers will tackle socio-cultural and environmental concerns in the region at the 22nd Senior Officials Meeting of the ASCC and at the 17th ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Council Meeting. The latter will discuss preparations for and the declarations or statements for adoption by the Heads of States at the ASEAN Summit, with the theme “Partnering for Change, Engaging the World,” in April.

We – civil society organizations, trade unions, workers, migrants, marginalized sectors, and parliamentarians in Southeast Asia –  urge high officials and leaders in ASEAN to include in the discussions and declarations the perspectives of ordinary women, men, and vulnerable groups aspiring for a better quality of life – a life of dignity.
We call on the Senior Officials, Ministers, and Heads of States of ASEAN to make the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN truly meaningful by leaving a golden legacy to the peoples in Southeast Asia; make “people-oriented, people-centered ASEAN” a reality. Adopt the people’s agenda for a Social ASEAN.
Majority of the peoples in Southeast Asia have been suffering from economic and social deprivation, insecurity, social exclusion and oppression as inequalities continue to widen. More than 65% of the workforce in the region are in precarious work – without permanent and decent jobs, access to social services and social protection, and without adequate income that could enable them a life with dignity.  Less than 30% of the population have social protection as government expenditure for social protection remains low. In Southeast Asia, an average of only 3% of GDP per country goes to social protection and in 4 of the ASEAN countries it is below 2%.

21 February 2017

ETI and various brands pulls out of the Dhaka Apparel Summit

ETI pulls out of Bangladesh summit amid fears over garment worker 'intimidation'

Concern is mounting over the future of the ready-made garment sector in Bangladesh following arrests in Chittagong and the Ashulia area of Dhaka, and intimidation of workers and their representatives. (…)ETI executive director Peter McAllister, who was due to speak at the event, said the organisation had no choice but to withdraw amid growing international concerns around Bangladesh’s clampdown on trade unions in the country’s garment sector, and following discussions with its member companies. ETI members C&A, H&M, Inditex and Tchibo also confirmed that they will not attend the summit.

(…)The BGMEA has claimed the strikes were illegal under the Bangladesh Labour Law 2006 – Section 210 and 211 and have cost the affected factories some $50m (£40m) in lost production.

As a trade body, we cannot influence legal issues or issue arbitrary notices to that effect, however we are fully supportive of the call for ensuring that the law is not misused by any party,” the association said in a statement yesterday.

Read the full article here.

16 February 2017

Persbericht: Kledingarbeiders in Bangladesh het zwijgen opgelegd

Reeds 34 mensen opgepakt in heksenjacht tegen vakbonden
Sinds in december stakingen uitbraken in 20 Bengaalse kledingfabrieken, worden bijna dagelijks mensen willekeurig opgepakt. Afgelopen weekend werden alweer 9 vakbondsleiders gearresteerd in Bangladesh. Vandaag staat de teller op 34. Er werd ook klacht ingediend tegen minstens 700 werknemers en vakbondsleiders. Vakbonden en ngo’s eisen dat de Bengaalse autoriteiten iedereen die opgesloten zit vrijlaat en de politiek gemotiveerde aanklachten laat vallen. De internationale kledingmerken die in Bangladesh produceren moeten de overheid en de werkgevers onder druk zetten om de rechten van werknemers te respecteren.

In december brak een spontane staking uit in de kledingfabriek Windy Apparels in Ashulia, een wijk in Dhaka, de hoofdstad van Bangladesh. De staking en de protesten deinden uit naar andere kledingfabrieken in de regio. Vele daarvan maken kleding voor bekende Westerse merken (H&M, Zara, Gap, Primark,...). In plaats van loonopslag, kregen meer dan 1600 werknemers hun ontslagbrief. Ze worden beschuldigd van vandalisme, plundering, bedreiging van medearbeiders en het aanvallen van fabriekskaders. Intussen werden al 34 vakbondsleiders en –activisten gearresteerd, terwijl de overgrote meerderheid niet eens betrokken was bij de stakingen.

De stakers eisten een hoger minimumloon, tussen de 15.000 en 16.000 taka (179-190 euro) per maand. Met het huidige minimumloon van 5.300 taka (63 euro), dat al dateert van 2013, moeten ze huur, vervoer, gezondheidszorg en eten betalen. De huur van een kamer kost echter al 2500 tot 4500 taka per maand. Zowel de Bengaalse regering als de werkgeversfederatie BGMEA weigeren een loonstijging. “Het totale gebrek aan vakbondsvrijheid is het grootste struikelblok voor een veilige en duurzame kledingproductie in Bangladesh,” zegt Sara Ceustermans van de Schone Kleren Campagne. “Werknemers kunnen nog steeds geen loonsverhoging vragen zonder gearresteerd of ontslagen te worden, terwijl net sterke vakbonden de enige écht duurzame garantie zijn op betere arbeidsomstandigheden voor de Bengaalse kledingarbeiders.”

Reactie kledingmerken ondermaats
De reactie van de kledingmerken met productie in Bangladesh was tot nu toe ondermaats. Op 4 januari verstuurden 21 internationale merken een brief naar de Bengaalse overheid over de onlusten in Ashulia, maar die brief werd niet publiek gemaakt. Sindsdien bleef het oorverdovend stil. Ook de Europese Commissie ging nog niet tot actie over. Bangladesh valt onder een gunstig handelssysteem[1] met de EU, waardoor het taxvrije toegang heeft tot de Europese markt. Ter vergelijking: kledingbedrijven die kleding laten produceren in China betalen hierop een importtax van 12%. Aan dat gunstige handelssysteem zijn wel een aantal voorwaarden verbonden, zoals het respecteren van de fundamentele arbeids- en mensenrechten. Vakbonden en ngo’s roepen de Europese Commissie op om deze hefboom te gebruiken en een onderzoek in te stellen naar de schendingen van de vakbondsvrijheid. Voorlopig lijkt de Europese Commissie daar niet toe bereid. De Bengaalse regering kan dus ongestraft de opgelegde voorwaarden blijven schenden.  

De les van Rana Plaza
De slechte werkomstandigheden in de Bengaalse kledingsector hebben herhaaldelijk geleid tot rampen. De dodelijkste was de instorting van Rana Plaza op 24 april 2013. 1.138 kledingarbeiders stierven, meer dan 2.000 anderen raakten gewond. Op 13 mei 2013 werd het bindende Akkoord over brand- en gebouwveiligheid afgesloten. Dat akkoord loopt tot 2018 en werd inmiddels door meer dan 200 internationale merken ondertekend. Andere problemen, zoals de extreem lage lonen en het gebrek aan vakbondsvrijheid, worden er niet mee aangepakt.

De Schone Kleren Campagne is een coalitie van verschillende organisaties: ABVV, ACV, Wereldsolidariteit, FOS, BBTK, LBC, ACV-Metea, ABVV AC, Testaankoop en Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken. De Schone Kleren Campagne maakt deel uit van het internationale netwerk Clean Clothes Campaign, met 17 coalities in Europa en meer dan 200 partners wereldwijd.

Meer info: Sara Ceustermans, coördinatrice Schone Kleren Campagne