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This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.

27 September 2023

Context of 2023 related to social protection and INSP!R Nepal

Nepal's contribution-based social security scheme has been expanded to include workers in the informal economy, migrant and the self-employed. Previously, only workers in the formal sector and migrant workers were permitted to participate in the plan. Administered by the Social Security Fund, the plan covers eight of the nine branches of social security grouped around four key schemes: Medical care, health and maternity benefits scheme; accidental and disability protection scheme; dependent family protection scheme; and old age protection scheme. According to the Social Security Fund, 420,000 workers from the formal sector and 280,000 migrant workers have already enrolled in the contribution-based scheme. Nearly a million Nepalis left the country, including students, in 2023 to look for a better future abroad. The increased number of labour migrants has led to an increase in remittance inflow. But this growing remittance trend should no longer be considered a blessing. It reflects not only the failure of the country to provide for its people but also the waning hopes of the progressive youth. The drop in student numbers has alarmed not only colleges but the education sector as a whole.

Impact of climate change – Nepal’s climate vulnerabilities emerge from a combination of fragile mountainous topography and ecosystems, highly variable monsoon-driven hydrology, unplanned settlements, and a lack of resilient infrastructure. The unusual weather conditions deviating significantly from the reasonably expected is a strong indication of the effects of climate change in Nepal, and globally. A government report shows that 2023 was one of the worst years in Nepal for the environment with more than 5,500 incidents of forest fires. The United Nations Secretary-General’s visit to Nepal and his appeals to the global community for urgent action to protect the mountains and glaciers helped to draw global attention to the catastrophic consequences of climate change for which the country is not responsible. Nepal’s representation in the COP28 meeting and commitments of the government to deal with the impacts of climate change can be also taken as positive developments.

Pathfinder country for the new Global Accelerator for Jobs and Social Protection: to assist with the COVID 19 recovery, the UN launched a Global Accelerator, and Nepal is one of the Pathfinder countries where it will be initiated, which should involve civil society. To create decent jobs, expanding social protection and promote pathways for just transitions, the Global Accelerator will support the Nepali government with national strategies and policies; financing and enhanced multilateral cooperation.

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