About this site

This website focuses on issues regarding social protection in Asia and the activities done by the Network on Social Protection Rights (INSP!R) and its members. It is under the editorial oversight from the Asia Steering Committee, composed out of members from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines. It is meant to foster dialogue and share experiences.
The articles describe challenges and achievements to improve the right to social protection to workers in the region, with a specific focus to gender, youth and informal workers.

30 September 2023

My Journey as a Home Worker: Empowerment, Challenges, and Triumphs - Nepal 2023

My name is Laxmi Pradhan Shrestha, and I am a 44-year-old woman residing in Naikap in Kathmandu. As an active member of the Nepal Home Workers Union, affiliated with the Nepal Trade Union Congress (NTUC), my life has been a tapestry of struggles, growth, and resilience.

The Struggle for Workers’ Rights

When I first joined the home worker’s union, I was an ordinary woman from a regular family. Like many others, the income I earned through my work was barely enough to support my family. But being part of the union opened my eyes to the rights of workers. I realized that we deserved better—better wages, better working conditions, and better opportunities.

Balancing Union Work and Family

As I actively participated in various union activities—May Day rallies, meetings, and conferences—I faced a delicate balancing act. While I fought for workers’ rights, tensions arose at home. My in-laws, who lived with me, closely monitored my household affairs whenever I was away for union work. Conflicts ensued, but I persevered.

Skill Development and Income Generation

The union provided training on income generation and skill development. I seized this opportunity, eager to enhance my small-scale business. From knitting sweaters to making caps, spinning yarn, creating garlands, and preparing pickles at home, I honed my skills. Gradually, appreciation flowed in, and local shops started buying my products. I even sold my handmade items in Kathmandu’s bustling Asan area.

 A Positive Shift in My Life

With improved skills and growing confidence, my income began to rise. No longer solely dependent on my in-laws, I could better support my children’s education and maintain our health. Life took a positive turn. Recently, at the World Social Forum (WSF), our union supported me in setting up a stall to sell our products, providing additional income.

Navigating the Pandemic and engagement in Social Protection schemes

The COVID-19 pandemic posed challenges, but I adapted. My business weathered the storm, and I remained self-employed. The Nepalese government’s initiatives for social security among self-employed women like me give hope. We’ve expressed our desire to local government offices, advocating for our inclusion in these programs. Security and protection are essential for our well-being.

Looking Ahead

As I reflect on my journey, I am content. Yet, I look ahead with determination. The path to empowerment is ongoing. I dream of a future where self-employed women like me receive the support they deserve. Let us weave a stronger fabric of resilience, unity, and progress.

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